
What I am hoping to manfest in a new support worker.

  As I write this I am curled up in bed as it is cold and it’s a Saturday afternoon, I in my previous post did talk about manifestation and me not being a nice person and I am realizing that it’s not that I am not nice its just that I can clash with a few people who think that essentially, they can coast, and they are lazy.   I feel that I am fair and balanced in my view of paid support workers but I have had a bad feeling about this support worker from the start so this is what I am going to do to change it, as manifestation doesn’t work when your not willing to put in the work so the first thing is figuring out, if I even want to stay where I am or is it worth the mental and fiscal risk of moving or am I moving from the frying pan into the fire.   As she might be shifted into a more suitable house. I am also studying as well so I am giving myself some skills to be able to earn an income as well, it is online but it’s a marketable skill. But if I was to ask the unive...

My Manfestation journey and where my life is at.

  It’s a Saturday morning and I am going to a club I attend, and it is focused on gardening, and I am seeing that it’s an interesting dynamic, of older people and younger people. But what I have noticed is that I am the one constantly reaching out to people.  I was able to gain some needed perspective as well.  I am stepping back for a while to focus on myself and catching up on organizing my home and health as I have had constantly for several months my platelets sky high. (This is my white blood cells that are the packman of the body) I am also studying at the moment and have let myself get very disorganized due to my health. I am also not a very nice person to be around at the moment due to my being in constant pain I have had several bad days and I haven’t been able to access the support I needed. So, I am taking the time to reflect on this as well. However I am realising that I am my own worst enemy and I do at times lash out at the very people who are paid to su...

Please stop faking for views, why this hurts the disabled community.     This is the clip that I have been talking about, on my youtube channel,   It seems to me that people feel it’s ok to do this and it is not something that we need to talk about because it seems to be becoming more normal and it’s not ok. It is undermining what the disability community both in real life and on the internet has fought for and this is really undermining it as we see that people need to be very aware of it because it is not ok. When we start to speak up about things like this, we see that people get offended and feel it’s ok to question people who use accommodations, such as disability parking spaces and displaying the right cards, and people feel like they can question it. I see that this may be a bit of a USA-focused problem but it’s not I am seeing that other international creators are faking disabilities for views, and there is something, that people need to be able to be belie...

My Manifestation journey continued

  So, I must just get this out of my system, and I am seeing why I am not manifesting what I want in my life. The first one is I am not putting in the work, so the meditation to find the blockages in my life as are becoming very apparent to me, and some things I can’t control but others I can, and I am willing to tell you why. In my house (I live in what is called a SIL house, this is short for Supported Independent Living) it’s a type of housing for people with disability but is more for people with mental health needs or like myself psychosocial disabilities. So, people who would otherwise fall between the cracks in support, but we have one support worker that through the virtue of her relationship’s in the company. She is essentially allowed to get away with a lot more and simply feels the need to be the adult in the room and “direct traffic, this is annoying the other support workers as they have had to pick up the slack due to them not being able to speak up to management du...

My Podcasts that I listen to and how they help me. This is a great episode and I have listened to it several times I need to put it out there that this host Alexis doesn’t mince her words, and I mean doesn’t mince her words uses what could be considered “offensive words to get her point across, but it’s used to prove a point and not to get or gain clickbait. This episode is on the low dopamine trend, and I see that this is a trend that started in the ADHD, community and the “content creation” community took it and ran with it and is actively spreading miss information about dopamine, this podcaster has a background in Neuroscience (I am not sure of her qualifications but will find out for you). This is part of a wider trend that I am sick of, and I am sure that many more in the disability community and cohort are sick of as well since it’s something that we created for ourselves, and it’s then been taken out of context for views. Also spread...

What is a bad support worker

This is a post that I really didn’t want to write about, but I am sad to say that it needs to be written about and understood. As there is a massive difference between a support worker that just needs more training and education and I bad support worker. The support worker that needs more training is doing their best to become a good support worker and to work with a client, they know that they need more skills and to be able to work with the client not against them. We also see that people don’t want to do the basics of support they come into the industry thinking that it’s all fun and games but it’s at times this but at times a lot of hard work both emotionally and physically. When I am talking about the basics I am talking about, making sure there living is clean and hygienic, that they have food in the fridge, that they are sticking to a basic budget, that they have community connections, weather that be a day centre or other meaningful activities, and that these activities are...

Self development and awareness.   This is an amazing podcast, and I haven’t talked about it for a while as I haven’t been listening to it as I have a let’s say electric level of tastes in podcasts, but this episode did resonate with me for a lot of complex reasons. The first one is that it was something that I needed to hear, as recently I have been feeling as a person with a disability as a burden, but I realize that this is due to a complex situation in the supported independent living house (SIL house) I am in. There is a support worker that has a familiar relationship with the boss and she because of this relationship makes me ask for help (let’s be real taxpayers are paying for me to have quality care) can be sub-standard and when we have pointed this out due to her being related to managements family, we as a house weren’t believed as there was no “verifiable” evidence.     When we spoke up to other support ...

Meditation and Manifestation my journey continues.

 This is a post that is again going to be very personal and it in a way follows my meditation manifestation journey. We see that people have an impact on us and this could be good or bad it wasn’t until I realized something important about myself that I realized why I couldn’t have romantic relationships that work.  But when I was doing a mediation last night after I had come home from a community event to go to sleep it was saying to trust your insight and I will as people need to be able to trust themselves and I see that this not being able to trust myself comes from when I hit someone in anger and that broke off a relationship that could have been happy serious relationships.  Then I got busy with work and study and having ADHD and I good friendship group I wasn’t concerned as I realized with my medical conditions that it would not be a great idea for me to have children and this has been a great decision. But I see that I have company and friendships, but I am lackin...

The problems that can cause drama in disablity facilities..

  This is a really interesting question of what do to when a client complains about a support worker and there is no proof, but there with the support worker in question is a pattern of unacceptable behaviours, so things like falling asleep on shift, medication near misses,( that aren’t reported) behaviours that aren’t acceptable in a support worker working for an agency and this is a massive issue for both clients and providers and I have experienced this and it complicates things when it comes down to familiar relationships both within and outside of the company. This is a really complex question and I am going to try and answer the question due to the fact that I have had a situation that is similar to this pop up in my life but it wasn’t exactly like I am describing and I see that the response from the provider could have been so much better and it shows that you really do need good communication in the organization from the bottom up and the top down needs to be a clear two-...

Meditation and the importance of having a framework.

 I have done a couple of personal blog posts about mediation and manifestation, and I feel that these are important to share, but we need to be very aware that any type of mediation needs to be done safely. So, this is practical safety so having a safe space to meditate, I meditate to go to sleep, and I meditate in bed.  Some other safety aspects are if it brings up negative emotions having the fame work to be able to work through them as releasing the trauma might need specialist training and it might also trigger flashbacks or make things worse long term and this is where you need to have a religious or physiological framework to work within.  As every religion does have a practice of mediation, the Jeudeo -Christian religions or the religions known as the Abrahamic religions from my limited understanding do have set prayers as well, the most well-known would be a Christian praying the rosary. Or a Muslim praying to Mecca or a Buddhist meditating, and this is a framewor...