
Showing posts with the label and Jargon

Mia and what happens when you have a lack of support part 2

  Mia and what happens when you have a lack of support part 2 We are now going to do a deep dive into Mia and what happens when you have a lack of support. We see that she is strong and independent but also that she didn’t get there alone and has gone through a lot. From her teen years until now she wasn’t cared for until Luke found her where she was found bitten by a werewolf (Jordan) and left to turn. This is difficult for her to process as it was her boyfriend (Jordan) who got bitten as well and he didn’t know how to tell her so simply ghosted her (he stopped communicating with her) and left her to turn alone. Even though he had stopped speaking to her, he started following and essentially stalking her until Mia told him to leave her alone. Jordan only actually left Mia alone once he had attacked her and bitten her then left her to turn. We see that she is strong and independent but also that she didn’t get there alone and has gone through a lot. From her teen years unti...

So I have relaunched my YouTube along with the blog and guys this is the core of why I started this blog disability matters and it does mean a lot to people to be included and the scheme is facing a lot of challenges so I will be looking at this and I am as I said in the video going to talk about what challenges it is facing and how to stop this from becoming a problem.  I am still going to do media content but I am looking at branching out due to the challenges around the NDIS and we need people to speak up. Also please keep sharing the content and I hope to make this a full-time job I can't keep it going on my own so if you can comment or share it please do. 

The Shadow world and Disability links the law of unintended consequence's.

      This is a follow on looking at the links to the real-world history of evil and disability. I will now tie it all together. It is amazing the conversations I have with people around these topics and how they relate to what is happening in the world today with the current health situations. We are seeing a lot of people who are realizing the reality of what it is like to live in difficult and challenging situations and to need to rely on others for help. We see that this is the case with the shadow hunters, that they help each other, and that they can see that some situations are beyond their control when they created the situation. In this, we see that they can understand the situation a bit better by looking at what they are doing and how they are doing it. We see that when Clary finally feels better, she admits to the clave that she brought Jace back from the dead and was messing with the Natural order of things. This order isn’t something that should be messed wit...

The Shadow world causing trauma and responding to mental health issues.

 This is such an interesting post to write about as I have grown so much as a writer in doing this blog and the trauma that comes into the Shadow world is very real and listening and spending time with people who work with people with complex trauma has given me a very different perspective on it.  So please I do welcome you to start the conversation on the blog and to suggest to me content ideas as well.   I  am now starting to look at this through a wider lens one that says that we are all humans and that these guys are human as well and that this humanity is what their relationship's so complex as well as the fact that they are willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of humanity. I see that this is a good thing however we do see that it comes at a price for most of them. In that, the mission comes first this could be as simple as finding out where demons are coming from or as complex as a mission to banish a greater demon back to the realm it came from i...

If you give a mouse a cookie | Read Aloud | Storytime

If you give a mouse a cookie. (1) If you give a mouse a cookie | Read Aloud | Storytime - YouTube   This on the surface is a great kid’s book, however, it shows, what could be called the slippery slope fallacy. So, it is about to do we have free will.  Something that is up for massive levels of debate and people has dedicated their whole lives to trying to solve this question there are many thoughts on this and many different schools of thought. It also goes into in a very small way moral responsibility to others.  It is about a mouse that is freely given a cookie, yet there are more and more requests. On the person who freely gave the cookie to the mouse, given that the cookie was given willingly I do ask the question about does the person that is giving the mouse a cookie understand the consequences of his actions. This goes into the Law of unintended consequences, this law being that you can’t always see the consequences of your actions and that at times these acti...

Words that are used in talking about disablity

  What do we really mean when we say a person with complex needs? So this starts with the question of what is the difference between complex needs, disability, and special needs.   I honestly think it is the level of care that they need, so some disabled people with only specialist accommodation can live independently. These are people who may have become disabled later in life through an accident or an illness, or have been born with a disability however had parents invested in their development and understood what they needed to do to promote what independence the person could achieve. Complex needs – can be a diverse term and its context is important as it’s not only used in the context of disability however having disabilities adds another level of complexity.   This explains it better than I could ever do. Complex_Needs_IC_Syd_Dec12.pdf ( Special needs are very different from the way disability is used. Disability is used more in physical cont...

Disablity media and great examples of well written and acted scenes

   This one I can't stop myself from watching it. It's a great example of how people respond to trauma, especially when they lose what they see makes them feel like they are contributing to society,  and can hide what they really feel.  The people around them want to help but if you can't let them help you how are you able to be helped.  Yes, this is a Young Adult show but even the actors have said that this is a show that has resonated well with all age groups.  It talks about things that resonate when people get diagnosed with a disability or chronic illness and because of this their life fundamentally changes, so what now is the question. In Magnus's case, he has a built-in support network, and Alec forces Magnus to stay as he knows that this is what he needs. It also showcases the inherent power imbalance when a situation dramatically changes around what people see as normal, as in this case, Magnus loses his magic, decisions are made for him and people...