
Showing posts with the label sil house

Support worker, abuse the shared soloution

This is something that I have wanted to write about for a very long time but really haven’t had the guts to write about it and I know that I bang on about people with disabilities being abused and this is true, but we also need to talk about the flip side of this being, that Support workers do get abused at work as well. I need to put a really important point in here as well that have emotions and I have blowen up at support workers in that past but what is important is how you handle it and what is considered abuse differs from person to person but from a legal perspective it can fall into a couple of different areas.   I have taken this from Safe work Australia, and it also documents that home care workers are in a higher risk of abuse. W orkplace violence and aggression can be:  ·        physical assault – such as biting, scratching, hitting, kicking, pushing, grabbing, and throwing objects.     ·        coughing or spitting on someone on purpose  ·        sexual assault

Things that we are most likely forgetting to clean.

    So last night I watched the Netflix documentary Poisoned and I think I need to start out by saying something really important. I am located in Australia and we don’t have the food production monopolies and lobbyists that the USA does but it got me thinking on another random tangent, that is cleaning, don’t get me wrong we need to be on top of where our food comes from and I am going to start making major changes in my life around my diet and start making some documentation around it as I know diet is a major player in having auto immune diseases go into essential remission, before having to go onto very heavy medications that are used in cancer. But I as I do went down an adjacent rabbit hole and still haven’t reached the proverbial warren, that is food safety at home and adjacent to that cleaning as you can have a tidy home that is not clean and I know, as I have been that person and I admit we all get busy and we all need to work and families can’t have one person at home to ju

you a not a burden

This is a post that I wrote in my head last night as I am in the middle of potentially changing supported living houses but staying with the same company and I can’t remember something heartbreaking. I can’t remember the last time someone physically said they love me, or I am doing good or congratulated me for doing something well, as my family often has concern for me, and I don’t see that my actions have consequences for other people. But please don’t feel sorry for me first and that my family and friends do they do it by there actions and this has lead me to some really interesting feelings of knowing I am an adult but at the same time feeling really alone in the world as I see my friendship group that are “ able bodied” go to work and have the arguments about the kids and I really feel like I have missed that boat on having a stable romantic relationship due to me not being able to really trust anyone and that actually includes myself and my support team in the house as they have