The fiscal impact of disablity.

This is something that I have been aware of for a while but disabilities that are caused by health conditions are something that we need to talk about, and we don’t know what people are aware of as well. As being disabled is expensive due to needing to go to specialists and generally not working so having to cut back on things the first and easiest thing to cut back on is entertainment and this for a young person puts them at risk of social isolation further and really does impact their disability further as it serves to isolate them further as well. We see that this can be a massive issue and can have a massive impact on mental health issues as well, and we see that people are not able to socialize due to not having the funds to do things, there is a term for it in people without disabilities it is called city life syndrome and we see that this is at times amplified in people with disabilities as well, so the impact of the physical disability I know that there are other crea...