
Showing posts with the label support

The Ableism Trap: Manifesting Away Disabilities, Ignoring Systemic Failures

  Picture this: you're stuck in a system that's supposed to support you, but all it does is fall short at every turn. Your needs aren't being met, your voice isn't being heard, and the frustration is building with each passing day. Enter manifesting – the latest trend in self-care – offering a tantalizing escape route from your troubles. But here's the catch: your troubles aren't just going to vanish into thin air. They're deeply rooted in systemic failures, conveniently overlooked by the glittery facade of manifesting. Let's shine a light on the elephant in the room: NDIS agencies. These are supposed to be the lifelines for people with disabilities, providing essential support and services to improve their quality of life. But what happens when these agencies fail to deliver? What happens when the funding dries up, leaving clients stranded in a sea of unmet needs? For many, manifesting someone out of their life isn't just about convenience – it'

Amazing historical disability Allies that don’t get enough attention

  Agness Baden Powell   Olive Baden Powell These two powerhouse ladies created Girl Guides and within that movement pushed for the inclusion of children with physical disabilities or who had been in hospitals long term particularly the great Ormond set hospital to have units in the hospital furthering their education and training in a way that wouldn’t have been possible, in any other way. This led to others creating hospital schools and remote schooling such as correspondence schooling, which has led to what we now know as the “ social” inclusion model of disability support and care.  Also, we need to acknowledge the support and guidance of the adult vollenters and leaders for women and girls in this worldwide organization that has led the way in inclusion for people with a disability through the model of "extension building"  Sister Kenney, who created a method of using hot towels and massaging the muscles as well as exercise for children who survived polio,   she

Disability Royal commission I will let the others speak

 <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script>   Hey all, I am taking a break from blogging and YouTube at the request of some people close to me. However, I need to say that I will be doing a one-off blog post on the Disability Royal Commission. I feel that we need space to process the outcomes and what is in the report and I feel like other disability advocates are much better qualified to talk about it than me, I am feeling the need to amplify voices that have been in the lead in the Disability Royal Commission, we see that people are still processing it and the larger term changes that it is going to bring. These changes are something that we need to be very much are needed but they need to be balanced with the needs of the larger community and changing attitudes towards people with disabilities, and how we are treated by professionals and the

What is it like working with a support worker in the community.

 This is going to be a short and sweet post and a post that I wanted to do and it is because people are starting to see support workers as not something to be ashamed of but they starting to be seen as a normal thing that people with a disability that have access to the NDIS might choose to use there are several forms of support and this is where things get complex. One is housing so this is mainly Sil housing ( supported independent living)  that has been established by a support provider and this depends on the person's needs and funding ratios, this is where ratios of support come in so this could be that you are either a 1:3 so that being one support worker to three clients, or a 1:2 or needing around the clock care being a 1:1 so this being one person to one support worker but in a housing situation its very rare.  I don’t like the term parents as we are the main character in our lives and not just a participant this is why I use client I know in some international governmen

My Manifestation journey continued

  So, I must just get this out of my system, and I am seeing why I am not manifesting what I want in my life. The first one is I am not putting in the work, so the meditation to find the blockages in my life as are becoming very apparent to me, and some things I can’t control but others I can, and I am willing to tell you why. In my house (I live in what is called a SIL house, this is short for Supported Independent Living) it’s a type of housing for people with disability but is more for people with mental health needs or like myself psychosocial disabilities. So, people who would otherwise fall between the cracks in support, but we have one support worker that through the virtue of her relationship’s in the company. She is essentially allowed to get away with a lot more and simply feels the need to be the adult in the room and “direct traffic, this is annoying the other support workers as they have had to pick up the slack due to them not being able to speak up to management due to

What is a bad support worker

This is a post that I really didn’t want to write about, but I am sad to say that it needs to be written about and understood. As there is a massive difference between a support worker that just needs more training and education and I bad support worker. The support worker that needs more training is doing their best to become a good support worker and to work with a client, they know that they need more skills and to be able to work with the client not against them. We also see that people don’t want to do the basics of support they come into the industry thinking that it’s all fun and games but it’s at times this but at times a lot of hard work both emotionally and physically. When I am talking about the basics I am talking about, making sure there living is clean and hygienic, that they have food in the fridge, that they are sticking to a basic budget, that they have community connections, weather that be a day centre or other meaningful activities, and that these activities are

Low cost ideas for community access

I have noticed since the NDIS has come through that person who qualifies for it doesn’t know what they can do with a support worker in the community, so I am doing this post to do what you can do and this is something that we need to discuss and some of the things would be developmental age approached, but we see that people need to be aware that you can do lots of things with a support worker, the first thing is you need to establish your goals, so do you need help in the house so this is where you can get into a good morning and evening routine.   Depending on your budget there is a lot you can do and then, you can work out the skills that you want to develop it might be housework and cleaning, but then it might be like myself more in-depth so actively looking for things to be off the internet so, I know that  1.          The public library is always a good starting point, so they often have more than just books but games, and CDs I know that mine has basic streaming services, an

The difference between a support coordinator and other admistration staff in the NDIS.

This is a really basic question that we see needs to be answered, and we see that it is something that we need to be aware of the people outside the NDIS don’t really understand the jargon that is within the NDIS and I am hoping that this year I can break it down a lot more but, a Support Coordinator is someone who helps you navigate the NDIS so it could be a person who attached to an agency or independent. I find that going independent works for me much better than someone being with an agency and this is due to the fact that I have had bad support coordinators they were doing dual roles, so I found that this isn’t a great idea but for others, it might work really well. So a support coordinator is someone who helps you navigate appointments, sets up service agreements and helps you to be able to work towards your goals and if you need a change of circumstances or are coming up to a plan review we see that this is where the really get to shine in that they specialize in building go