A really good question and lets start the conversation
This is my current deep dive, and I look forward to finding an answer. A young person in my life asked an innocent question, and it sent me on a profound path, resharpening my research skills. The question was: if a community nurse comes into a Supported Independent Living (SIL) home and trains the staff to perform a medical task, say injections or simple wound care, and the client is harmed by a support worker carrying out that task, who is to blame? This seemingly simple question raises a host of ethical and practical issues: Was the training adequate? Were the staff paying attention during training? Was the nurse qualified to train others, or were they a registered nurse rather than a nurse educator? Were there enough resources, like time and hygiene, to safely perform the task? What role do the overall cleanliness of the house and the behaviour of other residents play in this? But then the bigger questions arise: Where does one go to report harm? Whose code of ethics applies? ...