Mediation and Safety things to consider
I have done a couple of personal blog posts about mediation and manifestation, and I feel that these are important to share, but we need to be very aware that any type of mediation needs to be done safely. So, this is practical safety so having a safe space to meditate, I meditate to go to sleep, and I meditate in bed. Some other safety aspects are if it brings up negative emotions having the fame work to be able to work through them as releasing the trauma might need specialist training and it might also trigger flashbacks or make things worse long term and this is where you need to have a religious or physiological framework to work within. As every religion does have a practice of mediation, the Jeudeo -Christian religions or the religions known as the Abrahamic religions from my limited understanding do have set prayers as well, the most well-known would be a Christian praying the rosary. Or a Muslim praying to Mecca or a Buddhist meditating, and this is ...