
Showing posts with the label lived experience

the dark side of advocates

The Dark Side of Disability Advocacy: Inclusivity, Hierarchies, and Respect for Different Journeys Disability advocacy is a crucial movement that seeks to uplift marginalized voices, promote inclusivity, and ensure that the needs of people with disabilities are met. However, as with any movement, there are areas of concern that, if left unaddressed, can create harm within the very community advocacy seeks to protect. Issues like hierarchy, exclusion, and manipulation are all too common and must be discussed if we are to build a truly inclusive space for all. The Hierarchy of Disability: Exclusion of Hidden Disabilities One of the most concerning aspects within disability advocacy is the development of an unspoken hierarchy—where individuals with visible or more severe disabilities often dominate the conversation, leaving those with hidden or higher-functioning disabilities feeling excluded. This hierarchy is not only harmful but also counterproductive to the goals of true inclusivity.