Disability and consent let's keep the conversation going.
This video I can see I recorded a while back but it is still very relevant today as we do and don’t talk about consent in disability. Some people will never be capable of having a romantic relationship or being able to hold down a normal job. But we don’t talk about it as we don’t think it’s a needed conversation to have in some case but in some it’s very needed so this is going to go into where we need to be having conversations around consent and relationships, in disability as there if a person receives care is going to be conversations that they need to have that are difficult and challenging, and consent is one of them, and understanding consent for able bodied and neurotypical people I have had conversations with them and it’s tricky for them so we need to respect that for a person with a intellectual disability or a neurodiversity this could be tricker and they want to respect it but may not have the impulse control to be able to control what they are doin...