
Showing posts with the label Disability

RD Lang I am discovering his approach to mental health

    I am taking a break from housework as I am listening to the work of RD Lang he was a very controversial psychiatrist who did something amazing and it has a lasting legacy today and I am just diving into his work. His most famous work is the Kingsley Hall experiment, made famously but the film staring David Tennant called Mad to me normal and we see that what he did was transform psychiatrists from simply medicating people and turning them into zombies to taking them out of their shitty environment generally institutions and giving them dignity and living with them. He when looking through the lens of modern thinking he was really ahead of his time in the fact that he was able to see past the mental illness and see the person, to me and I need to do some more digging I feel that this was the start of person centred   care as we see that people need to be very aware of what is happening in the field of mental health and he didn’t see his clients as “ uncompliant” or ...

The difference between a reason and a excuse

 I am studying at the moment but saw a post from a disabled creator on this platform talking about internalised ableism and I get that is a thing, as I know that I have it most of the time but where do we start to draw the line and say that we aren’t responsible for educating everyone we meet about our disability and that there is sometimes for hidden or physical disabilities a time to meet society’s expectations, for what we are about to do. We can’t expect the world to change for us when we aren’t willing to put in the work  and I know that this opinion will cop a lot of backlash but we need to be accountable to the best of our abilities and acknowledge how far we have come and we need to be thank full for what we have as we have more than the people who came before us and fought for us to have equal access and are still fighting for equal access, but what I don’t agree with is equity as this removes all the learning opposites and provides a space for learnt dependence and...

safety with a disablity

 So safety does mean different things to different people, for people with a disability there are extra things to think about given that people with a disability are more likely to be the victims of abuse and neglect from the very people who are paid to support them or even family who don’t know how to best support them.  This is a heartbreaking topic to talk about but it is something we need to start talking about because we are in disability pride month and we are still talking about the basics, of disability rights, the basics being, the right to privacy, the right to work, the right to relationships, and the right to freedom of movement, and the right to freedom of expression and the ability to socialize without judgment, but to have advice on healthy and unhealthy relationships. As well as the ability to feel safe in their own home, which could look like living in the family home, living with others in a “normal” share house, or living in disability services accommodati...

Meditation and the importance of having a framework.

 I have done a couple of personal blog posts about mediation and manifestation, and I feel that these are important to share, but we need to be very aware that any type of mediation needs to be done safely. So, this is practical safety so having a safe space to meditate, I meditate to go to sleep, and I meditate in bed.  Some other safety aspects are if it brings up negative emotions having the fame work to be able to work through them as releasing the trauma might need specialist training and it might also trigger flashbacks or make things worse long term and this is where you need to have a religious or physiological framework to work within.  As every religion does have a practice of mediation, the Jeudeo -Christian religions or the religions known as the Abrahamic religions from my limited understanding do have set prayers as well, the most well-known would be a Christian praying the rosary. Or a Muslim praying to Mecca or a Buddhist meditating, and this is a framewor...

disablity earasure and idenity

This is going to be a bit of a different post due to the controversial nature of it, and this is something that we need to be aware of when people are talking about “inclusion, equality, and diversity,” something that has been hijacked and politized to the core in universities, at its core it’s about including everyone in the conversation. However, I see that there is a group of people who are often left out of the conversation until it becomes critical because someone has been harmed and people start to realize that there is very little education or training around disability in schools and higher education facilities, except that they do have some forms of what they call disability accommodations, but one look on Reddit we see that many professors don’t accept them or don’t even realize they exist. This is because they have been abused by people who don’t need them, so what is it that I am rambling on about, well it’s disability erasure and mainstreaming of disability. This is a good...

What is a change of circumstances in the NDIS.

  The basics are that a change of circumstances is when a person is needing more support that is available within the scope of the NDIS but is unable to fund it within their current funding model and this is where we see some common examples of this could be a disability that changes your mobility or changes your level of function from day to day. Or you are at risk of social exclusion so needing extra community access, or even your housing facility has covid so they need extra support as you can’t be left alone, and we see that these are all reasons for change. As well as unexpected events such as an illness or needing to move homes so from independent living to a Supported living facility, or from a private rental to a specialist disability accommodation housing. These are all situations where if we didn’t have funding in a plan you can apply for the change of circumstances within this situation, and we see that this is not something that we need to use all the time. The fundin...

A day in my life and how support helps me to be functional.

  Disclaimer – That these are my own lived experiences and understanding from the research that   I do around the NDIS and health-related topics please be aware that it is informational only and not to be used as a substitute for professional advice or working with a Planner, Disability Advocacy service or talking to your Medical and Allied Health team.    Hey guys so I am going to try some different content this is a day in my life when I get woken up at about 7.00am to 7.30 in the house and then I get dressed and ready for the day. So this is generally coffee breakfast and then chores that I am responsible for in the house, so folding any laundry from the night before, and light cleaning such as washing up. Then I generally start recording on YouTube around 9.00am and then I start drafting the blog posts I have moments of I am really passionate about the blog and very meh moments, at the moment I am pushing myself past the meh moments and this seems to be a very bi...

A chat about the reality of living with a disablity

So this video  and this blog post came on the back of what I outlined in my post about what a support worker can and can’t do for you and we see that it’s view count is still rising, and I think that we now need to step back and have a little chat about the reality of living with a disability and  doing some myth busting around it but I need people to be aware of a couple of things before we dive in these being that these are only my lived experiences and not universal experiences but we see that people do have to deal with this all the time and it might not be as a result of your disability but as a result of poor support and care and this we see can lead to a massive amount of harm and we see that this level of harm can lead to very poor physical and mental health outcomes and this is the first thing that I would like people to know that living with a disability isn’t “cute” or funny it is downright hard work and that is the second thing I would like people to know that I wo...

Jorden Peterson - On the Bible

So this is such an interesting clip and I have lost track of how many times I have watched it. However, I love what it is saying and it links into the shadowhunter's content I have worked on some well as it says that the stories are true but not in a way that we would expect as in finding physical evidence to suggest what happened is their however it does suggest that we need to be aware that there are cultures where truth was passed down in stories and legends.  It wasn't a truth of their past but an explanation of why things are the way they are.  As well as oral history and this is amazing as we see that when we look deeper into the stories we see that people seem to be aware that there is such a thing as objective truth and this objective is what needs to be challenged and heard as we see that many people have challenged the catholic church but what we need to remember is any organization is only as good as the people within it, and this shows in a way with the Shadow...

Killing disability inspiration porn

This explains a lot in a short way about living with a disability, it shows how we are seen as people to be pitied, or to serve as an inspiration to make you feel better about yourself and to see what is happening within the disability community, we see that it's a massive thing to do and to see what is happening. These paid actors flipped the switch and I hope that this shows that it's ok for people to want to help but you need to be asking how it is OK that this happens to disabled people all the time and that it shouldn't be happening.  How it happens is a big thing as well, so it's a society thing as well.  It makes sense that it's a social thing and we see that this is the issue with it. However I question why did it take switching the roles for a non-disabled  person in a majority of the disabled community to be able to see what is happening, it is what we call inspiration porn and that to treat him like that was so stereo typical of what happens with people w...

What if Being Dissatisfied Is Part of What Satisfies You? thoughts from a disablity perspective.

This is such an interesting topic and I see this a lot in the Disability community that they are never happy and at times there are very good reasons for it like accessibility issues in the community they live in or for people to accept that they have a hidden disability and do need help to function.  I would also like to take the time to say that I see that he is controversial in the disability community because of his view on disability but we see that a is correct about what he is saying recently about disability is common sense at times and it is very often is taken out of context by bad faith actors and he has recently opened up about it as well, being "Cancelled," however we do see that people at times do want to accept what he is saying but are so far brainwashed that they can't see reason.   I have a post on it but he basically says to not let your disability become your excuse to find ways around it and sometimes it's a reason for the behaviours but if you a...