Meditation and the importance of having a framework.

 I have done a couple of personal blog posts about mediation and manifestation, and I feel that these are important to share, but we need to be very aware that any type of mediation needs to be done safely. So, this is practical safety so having a safe space to meditate, I meditate to go to sleep, and I meditate in bed.  Some other safety aspects are if it brings up negative emotions having the fame work to be able to work through them as releasing the trauma might need specialist training and it might also trigger flashbacks or make things worse long term and this is where you need to have a religious or physiological framework to work within.  As every religion does have a practice of mediation, the Jeudeo -Christian religions or the religions known as the Abrahamic religions from my limited understanding do have set prayers as well, the most well-known would be a Christian praying the rosary. Or a Muslim praying to Mecca or a Buddhist meditating, and this is a framework to understand the experiences that go with the meditation. 

I did talk about having a Christian background and I still believe in God but not so much in organized religion due to seeing what has been done and what is still being done in the name of religion and this to me, isn’t a good thing. I have gotten into being spiritual and believing in signs from the universe and Dharma and Karma.  Dharma is what you put into the world and Karma is what you receive after what you have put into the world the more I learn about it the more I see that this includes your thoughts as if you believe that you deserve the part-time job and as part of that belief you are willing to put in the work into getting a resume together, asking for references and even studying some short courses to have the skills needed you are more likely to get the job then a person who just does the work, as you need to ask the universe for what you need and this can be a massive undertaking when you are used to receiving the bare minimum and just getting by. This could be and I have heard this described as the poverty mindset and it is true in a way, but you need to be able to accept the help that you need to climb out of being in the lower classes. As I know that the bootstrap mentality isn’t helpful and at the same time, we see that there is more division than ever as well.

This is a weird mismatch of things and I do know that my disordered thinking does have a huge role to play in this as well I realize that a lot of my disordered thinking comes from small traumas in my life I see that I haven’t had major traumas in my life or I perceive that I haven’t had major trauma’s in my life because I just kept on going and this is where things have got interesting as I see that there have been lots of little things that are traumatic that I have at times just Witten off as something everyone with a disability needs to deal with and it’s not until I got talking about it to others with a disability I discovered that this wasn’t true at all and that I needed to work through this.

I have a great therapist and am not shy about saying I am in therapy as trauma creates unhelpful thinking patterns that bleed out into your behavior and relationships with others.  We also see that if you accept this as normal you see that this is what you will accept when it’s not ok, it means that people are going to treat you the way that you accept being treated, and you need to be treated with respect and dignity as well.

But I do see that some of my limiting thoughts have led me to have very paranoid tendencies’ and to not be able to trust people leading me to feel alone even though I have very supportive family and friends as well. However, I would love to have an intimate relationship and to have what others in my life have and this is something that I have had to work on that it’s OK to be alone, and that it’s Ok to not end up with someone as I see that they have very different pressures to me and I when looking objectively I do wonder would I cope with the responsibilities that having the traditional relationship would bring. I am not saying that I don’t want a relationship, but I must be objective about what I can bring to the table realistically as well.

The other thing that I started doing that was a little bit weird was looking into superstitions and where they have come from it seems that your beliefs create your reality there is something called simulation theory,  and it sounds a lot like your beliefs create your reality and I feel that this is something that we need to be able to open our mind to a lot more as I am a lot more open to what people call “ conspiracy theories not the way out their ones but ones that when you start to look into it you start to see political motives to keep things hidden as well.

I respect this YouTuber and I have included his link in this post because he doesn’t follow the mainstream narrative at all and is willing to have an open mind but does when it does need to be debunked, he can do that as well.


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