Disability and media representation re visited.
So this is going to be a really interesting post to write as I have covered the topic before but it is a very complex argument to be had around disability and representation in the media. I have the blog post on what is media, but for this post, I am going to narrow it down to TV, books, and podcasts. This is so by establishing it as entertainment media we see that people are looking for diverse content but what about the disabled community do we see ourselves represented on screen the answer is not really. We see ourselves presented in a very inaccurate way and at times as a trope being inspiration porn the term that was coined by Stella Young, [i] and it is at times hard for people's mental health as this overcoming and warm and fuzzy, and easy to share content is easy but we don’t see the struggles of disability represented well I know that some dated shows were ahead of their time. Then we get into the News media that is now inextricably linke...