
Showing posts from May 26, 2024

Enhance Your Skills: Top Online Learning Platforms for Support Workers

As a support worker, continuous learning is key to providing the best care and support for those you serve. With the abundance of online courses available, you can easily enhance your skills, stay updated on best practices, and even explore new areas of interest. Here are some excellent online learning platforms that offer free and paid courses to help you grow in your role. Khan Academy Khan Academy offers a wide range of free courses on various subjects, including health and medicine. Their user-friendly platform provides high-quality instructional videos and practice exercises to help you understand complex topics at your own pace. Visit Khan Academy : Dashboard | Khan Academy Quora While Quora is primarily a Q&A platform, it’s a great place to learn from experienced professionals in various fields. You can follow topics related to health, social care, and support work to gain insights and tips from experts. Explore Quora : Quora Reddit Reddit has numerous communities (subreddit

A kit list for respite,

  Kit List for Respite I recently returned from a respite holiday at the coast and discovered that even as an adult, I need a packing/kit list. A kit list, typically given for school or youth group camps, ensures everyone has what they need. I realized I needed one since I packed under supervision and still overpacked for two nights. This guide is designed for support workers and caregivers, and I'll be putting a tick box list on my pateron, shop as well, General Items Mobility Aids: Pack any necessary mobility aids such as wheelchairs, walking belts, wheelie walkers, or walking sticks. Medication: Ensure all medications are packed and, if required, have them Webster packed by the local pharmacy to reduce medication errors. Seasonal and Activity-Appropriate Clothing: Consider the season and activities when packing. Here are some questions to guide you: How is the person with food intake? This will determine if you need to pack sip cups and eating aids. How many sets of clothing

Back from respite

  Ok guys, so I owe my family a massive apology, and this post is going to be it. I see what they are saying about entitlement creeping into my life. I didn’t realize how bad my complaining had gotten. Let’s be a bit more grateful for what I have in terms of support, and appreciate that I don’t have to struggle anymore, either on my own or with family support. It’s amazing what the NDIS has done for me. Instead of complaining about onboarding new support staff, I should be thankful for what I have, which is a lot more than others. I recently visited Movie World on the Gold Coast and didn’t have to check my bank balance every time I wanted to purchase something, such as a souvenir or a bottomless drink. This was all thanks to the taxpayer-funded NDIS Respite program. In the past, respite was about giving family and support staff a break from you. Now, it’s about providing you with opportunities and experiences, which is amazing. I also want to give a shout out to the guest services for