
Showing posts with the label Warlocks

The mytholigical links in the Shadow world - warlocks and demons

  So I was talking about Mangus and the Box and mentioned that there was a shadow hunter that was half shadow hunter, half warlock and   I mentioned that her grandfather was besbub one of the princes of hell, and lord of the flies.   It also depends on what religion that you are looking through as they can be seen as just beings that represent humanities darker side or they can be actual demons if you are looking at them through the lens of the monotheistic Abrahamic religion’s, [i] that have a structure of a god, angels that do his bidding or have a mind of their own and then fallen angels or demons so we see that some demons where in some pre monotheistic religions taking over their culture we see that   they might have been worshipped as gods by the people indigenous to that area, like we see that Asmodus is powerful enough to leave the realm he rules over in the books and show Edom, but we see that besbub can’t and needs a human host to possess, and often this p...