
Showing posts with the label lived experience. truth telling

The NDIS reboot how its going

OK so this is the start of a new series about the national disability insurance scheme as we have seen the minister for social services the honourable bill shorten is on a mission 2 reboot the NDIS we have seen a lot of fear-mongering from not only the legacy media b but from other places as well including I'm not limited to blogs YouTube TikTok by people who have a vested interest in ensuring that the way they can profit from this scheme is valid sorry this would be agencies that provide support workers who are currently overpromising and under-delivering Kaya two people with a disability. We are also seeing the fear that's rightly placed by disability advocates, however,, we do see that there are some major rort’s of a system that was designed true provide support for the most vulnerable end profoundly disabled people in our community. There was never supposed today a rolling into the NDIS of state-based systems these were designed to stay and support people who needed less s...

Safety as a person with a disablity.

  There is something that we need to be aware of as women generally and as a person with a disability. There are several aspects we need to go into and they are: Personal safety / Physical safety Emotional safety Fiscal safety Personal safety is the safety around other people and having situational awareness and being able to understand, what is going on and adjusting your expectations. To what is happening with other people and figuring out other way's of doing thing and we see that people need to be able to adjust things as if you are living with others we need to be respectful. So waiting in line asking permission to come into a shared living space. As a support worker might be taking through some fairly heavy situations that don't involve you. Physical safety is similar but different from Personal Safety but it is more practical, so things that we see that it is around the basics of day-to-day living so having aids, to help you bathe or shower, such as chairs or not sh...

Things that frustrate me as a person with a disablity.

This is going to be a very personal blog post however I see that people will resonate with it as we all have things that frustrate us, at work, play, or even people in our lives that do rub us up the wrong way but it’s not intentional. These are a couple of things that have annoyed me and I have been bottling them up for a very long time as well so this is something that we don’t talk about the day-to-day things that do annoy a person with a disability and it’s something that we do need to talk about as we see support workers talking about this and I have witnessed support workers talking about clients in public as well. A support worker came to work sick and gave me covid making me miss my nephew’s first easter as well and affecting my health. So, disregarding us as humans and treating this as an” ordinary job and it’s not an ordinary 9-5 job as you are caring for people, we see that this becomes a massive issue. As well as being dictated to in whom I can and can’t have in my house ...

Some hard truths about disablity activism.

    This is going to be a difficult post, to write as it is about the core of why I started the blog and it was about having something to work towards but I have discovered something, that I didn’t want to confront.   This is because disability despite international advancements still has a lot of stigma around it and stigma against people with disabilities.     I realize that there are programs to be able to help people with disabilities but in the short term, we have seen that people seem to get jealous when we level the playing field. I see that we do have things like the Americans with disabilities act, and we also have the anti-discrimination act in Australia but then when tempered with things such as “reasonable risk,” and “ the inherent ability to the job” we see that this could be considered code for people with disabilities to be not able to do the job when there are many people with disabilities that are able to work with a little bit of an adjustmen...