
Showing posts with the label Youtube Support workers.

What is a bad support worker

This is a post that I really didn’t want to write about, but I am sad to say that it needs to be written about and understood. As there is a massive difference between a support worker that just needs more training and education and I bad support worker. The support worker that needs more training is doing their best to become a good support worker and to work with a client, they know that they need more skills and to be able to work with the client not against them. We also see that people don’t want to do the basics of support they come into the industry thinking that it’s all fun and games but it’s at times this but at times a lot of hard work both emotionally and physically. When I am talking about the basics I am talking about, making sure there living is clean and hygienic, that they have food in the fridge, that they are sticking to a basic budget, that they have community connections, weather that be a day centre or other meaningful activities, and that these activities are...

What is Community Engagement under the NDIS.

I have been struggling to write this post as there is so much that is changing around the NDIS but community engagement, can mean different things to different people,  it can mean going to a day center for a person with less capacity and who need a structured environment, that is safe for them to be themselves.  It can also mean going to volunteer somewhere that will accept a person with a disability, or as complex as planning a trip to a comic con or another sort of convention.  It also could be helping you get to the shops basically anything that helps you engage with the community on your terms.  If the support organization is dictating to you what you "are allowed to use" during your community engagement time I would question it and question the organization.  However, we need to remember that there are different classifications of support being in a Sil house they are there to help you in the house.  If you are a Hacks client ( Home and Community acce...