you a not a burden
This is a post that I wrote in my head last night as I am in the middle of potentially changing supported living houses but staying with the same company and I can’t remember something heartbreaking. I can’t remember the last time someone physically said they love me, or I am doing good or congratulated me for doing something well, as my family often has concern for me, and I don’t see that my actions have consequences for other people. But please don’t feel sorry for me first and that my family and friends do they do it by there actions and this has lead me to some really interesting feelings of knowing I am an adult but at the same time feeling really alone in the world as I see my friendship group that are “ able bodied” go to work and have the arguments about the kids and I really feel like I have missed that boat on having a stable romantic relationship due to me not being able to really trust anyone and that actually includes myself and my support team in the house as they have...