
Showing posts with the label SIL house challenges

My jouney back to health day 3   Hi all so this is day two of getting my health back and that includes connecting with others that is a massive thing for me as I have massive trust issues so I am learning how to trust others and to ask for help but I am also walking a very fine line of is it simply asking for support or is it, entitled behaviors. As in getting my health back the one thing I forgot was my mental health, and that is really important to me as a person with a disability what we could consider self-care others could consider entitled, but it’s a delicate dance of is it entitled or is it a person's reactions to boundaries and this is a really interesting thing to consider, as sometimes when you get the support you need, I have seen a couple of “ interesting” reactions. These are all from my nuclear family from my wider family it’s seen as taking pressure on my family and this is kind of weird because my family feels “put out” by the fact th...

What I am hoping to manfest in a new support worker.

  As I write this I am curled up in bed as it is cold and it’s a Saturday afternoon, I in my previous post did talk about manifestation and me not being a nice person and I am realizing that it’s not that I am not nice its just that I can clash with a few people who think that essentially, they can coast, and they are lazy.   I feel that I am fair and balanced in my view of paid support workers but I have had a bad feeling about this support worker from the start so this is what I am going to do to change it, as manifestation doesn’t work when your not willing to put in the work so the first thing is figuring out, if I even want to stay where I am or is it worth the mental and fiscal risk of moving or am I moving from the frying pan into the fire.   As she might be shifted into a more suitable house. I am also studying as well so I am giving myself some skills to be able to earn an income as well, it is online but it’s a marketable skill. But if I was to ask the unive...