The Hidden Impacts of Sound on Mental Health and Well-Being
Thought: if sound can make people sick, or mentally unwell. As I live next door to a person who had a mental illness triggered by sound and not in the "it's mildly upsetting to me" but a really severe case of a sweet person with an intellectual disability to a person with behaviors of concern. Could it make you well? I haven’t really looked any further, but I think this is what a lot of new-age and alternative healers are looking at with their meditations. Research shows that certain sounds can indeed have a negative impact on health. For example, low-frequency noise and infrasound have been linked to symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and fatigue. This phenomenon, known as the "nocebo effect," is when negative expectations of harmless sounds cause adverse symptoms. Additionally, some sounds can make people very sick, such as in the case of Havana Syndrome, where the physical vibrations of sound caused severe health issues in individuals. But when they say ...