Gas Lighting by providers how I stopped it
Gaslighting is a term used to describe when a person tries to manipulate the situation or your interpretation of a situation to make you believe that your recollection of events is not correct and that they can then use it to manipulate you into doing things. This so we need to be aware that it’s not your recollection of events that has changed it is that a person or a provider is trying to manipulate you into believing that you are not capable of remembering events correctly and this can happen intentionally or unintentionally when it is intentional some things can be done about it and you need to be aware that providers have a duty of care to prevent things from happening to you so what you might see as gas lighting might ae duty of care issues. I am talking about when a person is systemically doing things to make you doubt yourself and your abilities. Gaslighting - Wikipedia This from a provider could be changing a shift time and not telling you and making you bel...