
Showing posts with the label and Alec

The Shadow world and Disability links the law of unintended consequence's.

      This is a follow on looking at the links to the real-world history of evil and disability. I will now tie it all together. It is amazing the conversations I have with people around these topics and how they relate to what is happening in the world today with the current health situations. We are seeing a lot of people who are realizing the reality of what it is like to live in difficult and challenging situations and to need to rely on others for help. We see that this is the case with the shadow hunters, that they help each other, and that they can see that some situations are beyond their control when they created the situation. In this, we see that they can understand the situation a bit better by looking at what they are doing and how they are doing it. We see that when Clary finally feels better, she admits to the clave that she brought Jace back from the dead and was messing with the Natural order of things. This order isn’t something that should be messed wit...

Magnus and Alec

  This is a relationship that has been written about but I would like to explore it in the context of healing from trauma, as both characters have a massive amount of trauma and this relationship isn't trauma bonding it is healing from trauma, both Magnus and Alec have massive amounts of trauma.  Magnus a lot stems from the way that the shadow hunters have treated him over the years and this is why he has a mistrust of the current generation of Shadowhunter he admits to Alec that he closed his heart off for a lot of years.  What isn't explored in the show but is in the books is stated that Alec is the spitting image of Will Herondale a  Shadowhunter that he had a complex relationship with and this is why he does a double take in the show when Alec sees him at his club for the first time.  Shadowhunters Reduced BGMusic 01x04 - Magnus sees Alec for the first time. - YouTube As I have stated before the book Magnus and show Magnus are very different characters, howe...