The Shadow world and Disability links the law of unintended consequence's.


  This is a follow on looking at the links to the real-world history of evil and disability. I will now

tie it all together. It is amazing the conversations I have with people around these topics and

how they relate to what is happening in the world today with the current health situations. We

are seeing a lot of people who are realizing the reality of what it is like to live in difficult and

challenging situations and to need to rely on others for help. We see that this is the case with

the shadow hunters, that they help each other, and that they can see that some situations

are beyond their control when they created the situation. In this, we see that they can

understand the situation a bit better by looking at what they are doing and how they are

doing it. We see that when Clary finally feels better, she admits to the clave that she brought

Jace back from the dead and was messing with the Natural order of things. This order isn’t

something that should be messed with. The dead should stay dead, and this is something

that we don’t really think about when we start to go down the rabbit hole of the mythology of

this world.

I understand that we wouldn’t see people raised from the dead using a wish, but we do see similar things in mental health issues in that people do have things happen to them that make them much more susceptible to mental or physical illness and this is what happens to Jace he becomes possessed by Lilith.

We also see that Clary feels better when she tells the truth as they have all been carrying this lie as well and if you lie what happens when it comes out is the issue around this so how do you stop this times as some lies are socially acceptable to cover but some are not as well some are very damaging to others reputations and careers when they get found out as trust is very hard to rebuild in people as well. However, we see that when Clary tells the truth people are willing to help her and remedy the situation.

Shadowhunters | Season 3, Episode 8: Clary Tells The Clave The Truth | Freeform - YouTube

However, it is at a cost to the people around her and Mangus pays the highest cost in that he loses his Magic, and to restore it costs Alec his relationships with Mangus and this is what I am sayings about if it’s not a socially acceptable lie it’s a lie that can damage a lot of people when you say that you can do something but can’t in a workplace or other situation.   Or even very early on Magnus lies about who he has worked with and the immortality of this.

With Jace being possessed by Lilith we also need to remember that this world is a Judeo-Christian world and that Christianly came out of Judaism and we have forgotten a lot of the mythology that comes from Judaism and this being that Lilith was Adam’s first wife and she refused to be second to Adam and therefore was cast out of the garden of Eden.  So she is considered to be the mother of all demons in the show as many were cast out of the Garden of Eden in Jewish mythology.  

 She is portrayed well as an independent woman who is capable of enthralling or possessing people and they don’t remember where they were for long periods, we see this in some mental health conditions where people don’t remember what they did or how they got to where they were.  [i]    Often before we had a lot of modern medical treatment, we say that people with Eleplisy or brain damage were considered to be possessed as well and were placed in institutions for care and somewhere better than others.  [ii] I know where I live there was baily Henderson hospital and that one of the superintendents did have what they call the Moral approach to mental health issues and it would now be considered to be what they would call the social approach to mental illness so where they lived and worked at the hospital and could earn a small income in the community and they build a self-contained community within the hospital.  This was amazing in the way that it was considered to be a moral failing of the person and not a failing of society to protect them.

So this is where we see that by Clary covering up the wish we see that there are a massive lot of follow-on effects on the whole community and that this isn’t great for anyone in the community and we see that the shadow hunters are a self-contained community as well as in the books we see that Hodge grows their food and we don’t know why he can’t leave the institute but we know that people are aware that he was in the circle and that his punishment was to be placed under the lightwoods “supervision,” and we see that he does resent this at times as when they can break his punishment rune he escapes.  

However, we see that everyone in the shadow world is aware of the brutality of the world and this is crazy in a way that we see that Hodge is a tutor to the children in the books and that the lightwood parents feel that he has been reformed but we see that he does resent being punished as they are marked as being in the circle and we see that in the first season Hodge when talking about the uprising he is in pain as the rune that they are marked with prevents them from talking about it and I have discussed this before but it is an interesting question to go back to about the suppression of knowledge and historical events as if you are not taught about them we see that history would be repeated and that this history is happening again as we see that Hodge new that Valentine was alive.  

The shadow hunters thought that this was all over but we see that was a major mistake on their part as we see that they shouldn’t assume that he was no longer a threat to people in what he was trying to achieve as we do see that it come back to bite them.  In ways that they could never have seen in clary as well as Joslyn getting out of this world.

This has parallels with people being able to get out of religious communities and seek the medical help they need at times. But with the right balance of organized religion and medical care, we can change the way society sees the disabled and mentally ill.  I know that without a care program I would be reliant on aging parents and many in the community backed this program as well. 

We also know that Jace can shape-shift due to being a descendant of Will Herondale and I do wonder and haven’t finished chains of gold how much Mangus knew about this power. As we see that the Shadowhunter’s descendants of Tessa have unusual abilities this is something that we need to discuss. As we see that it was valentine that experimented on Clary and Jace in the show and the books so it is difficult to figure out where each ability comes from and I know that Dom Sherwood who played Jace has come out and said that their unique abilities were underused in the show. As we see clary could put relics into the paper as well as create new runes as well. 

Magnus seems to be aware of this in both the books and the show as well, but we see that Mangus is a down worlder and therefore we don’t know how much he knows about Clary’s abilities, as he was paid to take the memory’s away so Clary didn’t have a chance to receive her angelic rune to be able to master the sight that the shadow hunter children receive at the age of 10 much like a confirmation into the catholic church and receiving communion.

So we see that there are links to people thinking that they are doing the right thing but it actually creates longer-lasting harm and consequence we can’t see at the time this is the law of unintentional consequences and this is something that can be a good unintended consequence or a bad one and in Joslyn not teaching her history we see that she was unprepared for this world and the reality of it and therefore had no respect for the traditions for that world in using the wish to bring Jace back as the wish was to be a fail-safe to protect the world.  If the threat of demons got too big for the world and this was something that was taught to the young shadow hunters or those wishing to ascend by drinking the blood of the angel to become a shadow hunter as there were two ways that you could be a shadow hunter you could be born into the world or you could ascend as we see that there was a time when the institutes had “ mundane,” servants and that they often would aspire to ascend to the ranks of the shadow hunters but we see that because of the decline of organized religion often they only have one or two servants as they received a tithe from the church to sustain them in their mission to protect the mundane world. 

  But Mundane’s don’t have the sight, so we see that if they did they were nurtured by either a shadow hunter family or the silent brothers in Magnus’s case.

This is also where the saying the road to hell is filled with good intentions as they were all acting with good intentions but in not following up with where their actions went and who they affected they then created an issue where they didn’t know how to stop things they put in action and it created hell for other people.

This is like someone on a disability pension trying to get well enough to be able to go back to work as at times work is more than an income it is a social outlet as well and something to aspire to be able to work.  But at other times what do you do when you can’t physically work but want to this is the case for Mangus as his magic was how he was able to earn an income, so when he suffers the consequence of losing his magic to save Jace from Lilith’s control we see that he has a break down as he loses his identity and I have talked about this before but in having this break down we see that Alec realizes that Mangus isn’t ok and that he needs to be looked after and that him having magic and being immortal was part of that identity so he becomes mundane as well so he needs to rebuild his life in a way that he didn’t ever expect to need to do.


 ( Edited on the 4/08/22  with the Help of DR Steven Hughes thanks) 





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