The internet and the Mainstream media my thoughts on them losing more control to the internet.

[i] This is such a great thing to see as for far too long the Mainstream media has had a stranglehold on what was said and could ruin a person if they didn’t politically agree with the station’s political interests. With the introduction of the Internet, we see that this has been a disrupter but that the internet has its own set of politics and this is a tech that in terms of human development is only a teen and so we don’t know what the long term consequences will be of the internet. As we do see that it does improve the lives of people with a disability in terms of being able to communicate and see themselves represented in terms of YouTube or to even play the long game with YouTube and have content creation become a job. However, we do see that it’s not without risk as you are much more vulnerable as we have recently seen that the laws around data security haven’t been updated, as well so in the Optus test case we see that this could change the game as it puts a price...