The internet and the Mainstream media my thoughts on them losing more control to the internet.
[i]This is such a great thing to see as for far too long the Mainstream media has had a stranglehold on what was said and could ruin a person if they didn’t politically agree with the station’s political interests. With the introduction of the Internet, we see that this has been a disrupter but that the internet has its own set of politics and this is a tech that in terms of human development is only a teen and so we don’t know what the long term consequences will be of the internet. As we do see that it does improve the lives of people with a disability in terms of being able to communicate and see themselves represented in terms of YouTube or to even play the long game with YouTube and have content creation become a job.
However, we do see that it’s not without risk as you are
much more vulnerable as we have recently seen that the laws around data security
haven’t been updated, as well so in the Optus test case we see that this could
change the game as it puts a price on Data and this Data then if it has a price
tag the reality is someone could be interested in buying it.
We also see that we instead of thinking critically about
what the mainstream media is saying are turning online for more information and
this is where being able to think critically is actually a massive issue what sights do you trust? What Youtubers know what they are talking about, and
what are they not talking about due to being what they call, De monetized this
being where a video or post has adds removed because the hosting
platform might not agree with what the person is saying it might be against
there policies as well and at times I can see this working well to prevent harm
and exploitation, but at times it has gone too far as to stop videos and other
content that is made in good faith being taken down.
Also, there is a phenomenon that is the internet version of
a witch hunt that is called DE platforming or cancel culture that has come out
of what I understand is identity politics and even YouTube and google platforms
I post my content on, do say to keep a regular job and to not rely on it due to
this phenomenon, cancelling culture so this is where you through social media, get
people together to send takedown notices or to threaten or doxx the person into
absence into what they want people to say and believe, so we see that people
are weaponizing the internet, in a bad way.
Doxing is the unconsented release of the person's deeply sensitive
information so things like, there address, their phone number, and if they have
a regular job where they work and there work schedule. There are sights like kiwi farms that are dedicated to this type of behaviour but I do believe recently
that they are being kicked off the cloud hosting server that was hosting them.
They also are being held to account for some real-life mental health situations as well, this is great to see due to the internet
being a bit of a wild west we also do see that its regulation is necessary as we
in Australia saw a Youtuber take down a premier in real time and forced him to
resign, [ii]and
I don’t agree with everything the Youtuber has done and said but the fact that
he was able to show the dark side of politics and to force change we see that
this makes social media and the internet a dangerous place it is so new and we
don’t know the long term consequences of having it as a tool.
This Youtuber was able then to get several police departments investigated and then when he exposed how many pokes are in clubs in his state we see that the governing body for the State clubs NSW.[iii][iv]
We are also seeing that major sights can tune their algorithm
to turn down events and turn up events in a way that they have never been able
to do before but this is turning against them as people simply do what they
have done to TV simply switch off or limit the amount of time they spend online.
I know that I have read this post several times before
posting it so it’s a quite complex ecosystem and we see that the Mainstream
media often called the legacy media is at times being called out for their hypocrisy
in a way that has never been seen before as well and they don’t know how to
react as well as there are really well-trained journalists posting to YouTube
before looking at a deal with a streaming service.
I know that I have signed up to the Googles code of ethics
and we see that Journalist do have similar ethics but given how hard it is to
keep up with the changes and we see that the legacy media is dying due to the
internet and as people take the internet with them ( smartphones ) we see that
podcasts are a new way forward as well as long-form YouTube as well.
However it is scary how the signals can be manipulated and
watching and researching Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning[v],
and what they went through makes me question what Data I have out there on
the internet that I am not aware of and how is it designed to make me hooked on
the internet. [vi]
I would also mention Julian Assange but it is a bit too political for me and others have covered this in much more depth than I could
ever cover as well and I don’t agree with everything that he has done as there has
to be a time where we do have a right to privacy and need to trust that our democracy
and that our military has trained our people well enough that they will do the
right thing by the country they are supporting or doing a peacekeeping mission
They would also respect the culture as well and help to understand it.
[ii] Friendlyjordies:
John Barilaro to be paid $715,000 by Google over YouTube videos | New South Wales
politics | The Guardian
[iii] ClubsNSW
warned Friendlyjordies that whistleblower interview was in contempt of court |
New South Wales | The Guardian
[vi] Edward Snowden - Wikipedia
Image by <a href="">377053</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>
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