
Showing posts with the label disabliity service orgnizations.

office culture in disablity support organization's and how it impacts on...

  This is a continuation of a series of posts I have done and I see that it’s something that needs to be talked about and that is the culture in disability service organizations and in particular in the office as we see that I had a comment saying that a person with a disability should never be seen as just a cash cow and if you are treated this way to speak up. Also, I have realized that the office culture regardless of the industry goes across all industries and it’s not just related to health and disability care as they are co-adjacent industries. We see that people are unwilling to admit in the disability sector that they are the problem and if they admit that the office culture is the problem this then means that they need to change, and change means disruptions and it’s not a disruption to the client as a lot of clients are trained to not complain or speak up due to fear of being labeled a complainer when this is what needs to happen we need people to speak up. Both Clients...