
Showing posts from November 6, 2022

Body positivity, chronic illness and Disablity

Disclaimer – That these are my own lived experiences and understanding from the research that  I do around the NDIS and health-related topics please be aware that it is informational only and not to be used as a substitute for professional advice or working with a Planner, Disability Advocacy service or talking to your Medical and Allied Health team.    So this was such an interesting video to record and to watch the reactions to it as it seems to have resonated with so many people. In different ways but to tell the story behind this video we see that we need to know the characters that I am referring to,  The White Saviour friend  -   It is someone who wants to save you from a terrible fate, being disabled or living with a chronic illness. and I know that I am borrowing this term from indigenous peoples experience's with  c olonization  and from people who have been historically and systemically oppressed due to popular thinking leading to s...

Disablity and relationships part one

So this has been an interesting post and video to work on because I had to look at my own relationships and that I am lucky to have a supportive family and this is something that sadly some people with disabilities don't have. However, we need to remember that we don't always have the full context of what the history is we see that sometimes we see what people need to have boundaries and this is where we need to understand that having a disability isn't an excuse to be mean, we all have different levels of understanding of relationships and how they work. We also need to consider the decision-making capacity of the person as there can often be a gap between their physical age and their emotional age and this also needs to be considered when we see if they can maintain relationships and in this, I am talking about friendships as well as the potential for romantic relationships as well as with support workers and other professionals. We also need to be aware that there may be...

What is duity of care in a disablity perspective?

Disclaimer – That these are my own lived experiences and understanding from the research that  I do around the NDIS and health-related topics please be aware that it is informational only and not to be used as a substitute for professional advice or working with a Planner, Disability Advocacy service or talking to your Medical and Allied Health team.   So I am taking the time to do a deeper dive into what is duty of care and in doing this we need to look at what the words are before we even look at where the phrase is applied and how it works in a practical sense, and I will be focusing on a disability perspective. Duty as defined by [i] the Merriam- Webster dictionary is defined as : :   obligatory  tasks, conduct, service, or functions that arise from one's position (as in life or in a group)   CHARGE ,  SUPERVISION left the house in his  care especially   :  responsibility for or attention to health, well-being, and safety u...