a life more ordinary what does it mean lets unpack disability jargon
This is the first thing we need to know is what is an ordinary life as we have content creators and YouTubers as a legitimate career option these days, we are also seeing that lives are mostly lived online and people who choose to on their weekends go hiking, canoeing or fishing are called extreme, I know that there is such a thing as extreme hiking where you go long distances with very little prep and the city version is to go urban exploring ( generally at night or in abandoned palaces to find interesting things. In Australia we don’t have much scope for extreme hiking due to the heat and cold but long distance is definitely a thing, but we then get to what is an ordinary life when it comes to disability and this is straight from the NDIS website, about life more ordinary, and how they use it to decide support’s and this then goes into we need to know what is a disability. “An ordinary life is a life where you have the same opportunities as people without a disability....