New direction for the blog
So This is going to be a shorter post but one that we need to discuss and this is the direction that this blog and the YouTube channel is going to go into as I am seeing that there isn’t the needed growth happening with this project so I am going to widen the scope so please let me know what topics you want me to cover and what you want me to do as well. I feel that newer readers need to know the history of the blog and why I feel I need to pivot the blog. This is something that we need to be aware of and that we need to be able to understand what will grow YouTube and the blog, so some of the ideas I had that I felt were good but had very low view such as disability and the internet and disability and accessibility, as well disability as represented in the media and this is where this blog started where I saw a show based on the books by Cassandra Clare the Shadow hunters series and they had a TV show adaption, that has found a cult following and we...