New direction for the blog


So This is going to be a shorter post but one that we need to discuss and this is the direction that this blog and the YouTube channel is going to go into as I am seeing that there isn’t the needed growth happening with this project so I am going to widen the scope so please let me know what topics you want me to cover and what you want me to do as well.

 I feel that newer readers need to know the history of the blog and why I feel I need to pivot the blog. This is something that we need to be aware of and that we need to be able to understand what  will grow YouTube and the blog, so some of the ideas I had that I felt were good  but had very low view such as disability and the internet and disability and accessibility, as well  disability as represented in the media and this is where this blog started where I saw a show based on the books by Cassandra Clare the Shadow hunters series and they had a TV show adaption, that has found a cult following and we see that the book fans didn’t really like the TV show adaptation and we see that it could have become a Netflix hit but there was some behind the scenes politics that even the show runners didn’t understand, due to the fact that there where issues over  content rights and some of the “problematic story lines” and I realised that if I was going to talk about disability topics I needed something to talk about in relation to it, but I feel like this is the blogs next big move as I have been experimenting with a few things over on YouTube and was thinking I would bring them into the blog so that is doing a day in my life and documenting my hobbies and the groups I attend, and how they accommodate my needs, as I live with several types of neurodiversity’s and chronic illness  and how we accommodate other people’s needs.  

How I stick to a budget ( or more likely don’t stick to a budget) and how my family feels about me having formal support thew the NDIS and how it has helped them.   As our family has grown and I have moved into more suitable accommodation and how it has helped me to grow in a way that I never thought I could.

 I would consider doing a blog post on how to adjust to a share or other type of disability housing, and  how to live with other people and how this is a good thing and how to cope with processing the feelings that come with this and how there is going to be some adjusting to do as well.   As I went from living on my own with drop-in support to back to the family home to a Sil home ( specialist disability accommodation) where we are treated like adults and I admit that I am given more privileges than the others due to my background and the ability to speak up when I need help. I still have my moments with this but this is where I feel a lived experience guide would be very helpful for a lot of people, as many people don’t know what to expect and what they can ask for help with and it's very diverse.

As well as I would consider doing some interviews with some housing providers and we see that some are just providing housing some are doing care as well as community access as well and some have what I would consider to be wrap around support services so housing, community access and day services, with skills building activities and to see the growth in people since moving is amazing as well.

I would also do a view from the other side and ask some people if they would like to be interviewed for the blog or the YouTube and do a day in my life type blog as well so a day in the life of a support worker and the craziest thing you have been asked to do an how have you reacted to it.( like one of my ex-support team getting paid to take me to comic con)  As well as the differences in how they support people and what support means to them, and what do they get out of doing support work due to the fact that it becomes more than just a job to some people. It is a calling as working with people with disabilities is very challenging.

I would also consider doing more posts on historical people with disabilities however this is a very over-covered topic on the internet but would consider doing people who furthered our understanding of disability such as Sister Kenney who is credited with creating what we now all accept was the foundation for what we now all know as physiotherapy.


However, I do need your help dear reader to get the blog seen and this means simply by driving traffic to the blog so I can get it out to more readers to keep it going as it is costing me money to keep it going and I would love to make content creation my full time job. However me living in Australia this comes with extra challenges, as I publish on a google owned platform for both the blog and my videos.

 This means that we need to be aware that due to Australian copyright law google is considered in some cases not to be an internet platform but a content publisher and this means that google and the author can be held accountable, for saying what they say online.   So what this means in real terms is that I can’t just accept guest posts I need to fact-check it myself first and see what they say and they do. 

As there has been several court cases where a YouTuber or blogger has been factually correct but because of the person influence they used the Australian judicial system to try to get the videos that called them out taken down and this has made it harder for Australian content creators, to get established in the blogging or YouTube world.   

In conclusion I am going to widen the scope of the blog and dear readers I am going to ask for content ideas of what you want me to cover and I simply ask in return you to share the blog posts out to get a wider traffic sources so I can cover the costs of running the blog and I totally get that things are tight for everyone at the moment but I do have a bye me a coffee account as well if you want to support me in that way as well and I also now have started a discord sever as well. So if you want to find me over there let me know as well as I would consider doing some limited live streaming over on YouTube but this comes with risks that I don’t want to put my house mate through so let me know if you would like me to as I would have to find a neutral location for live streams and I do prefer the ability to edit out some information for privacy reasons and we see that there is a culture of doxing of youtubers at the moment so we need to consider the risk to my house mates and support workers as well.   


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Why I can't learn to love my disablity

Isabelle Lightwood and Trauma part three - Shadowhunter's

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