Society and the social contract.
As we grow up, we get taught several things, learn through our experiences, and learn that in society we are expected to play a certain role. So, for those who are female, we see that the life script is school, university or training working and marriage and then kids and a family. For Males, it’s the same script just marriage kids and family are optional. But for either gender, we see that people with a disability are supposed to play the role of learnt helplessness and to be childlike even as an adult. So, parents do flip this script and very firmly tell their children that disability isn’t an excuse and I know that for me learning what is an excuse and what is a reason is a very fine line as well, but we also then see able-bodied adults behave in very naïve ways and this sometimes can lead them to seek diagnoses as an adult. But the script that society wants us to play is the role of the victim and make that our identity. However, when we start advocating for our nee...