
Showing posts with the label work

What can I do with NDIS funding? Part one.

    I saw this on Facebook overnight as I suffer from what is [i] called Peripheral neuropathy and we can’t figure out where it came from and how to stop it, but it is nerve damage and it gets worse at night because there isn’t a lot I can do to stop it, I have tried medications but I am sad to say their side effects where worse than the pain itself. I manage it but some really basic means, a good diet, exercise, and at times forcing myself out of the house, to do things that I don’t want to do, basically being an adult and not over-relying on support workers, but it’s a really common question, that we need to start answering. The question   What can I do with my NDIS funding besides getting a support worker we are all starting to understand what a support worker can and can’t do the options for employing one and the housing options and providers are starting to move to be compliant with what the commission has said about, Housing, Food and providing the basics of life, and the us

We need to talk about work, and disablity.

  So, I was seriously considering if I wanted to post this to the blog and linked in but I feel like I need to as I saw a headline and I couldn’t access the article but it was the headline read, Disability forgotten diversity. But are we “really forgotten” in a work context as I would love to be working and being social as work is more than the tasks, we do for someone with a disability it might be the only chance they have to be social and to be able to work with others.     However, I do see many people put into the two hard basket especially hidden disabilities and the ability, to work remotely or even from home as many workplaces aren’t simply accessible.   Also more than that we are seen as a burden and a risk to have on board unless in a “supported work place” often a polite euphemism for a workplace that is legally allowed to pay less than minimum wage on the premise that we will lose our benefits, but often ( depending on the country) are encouraged to have a part time job,