We need to talk about work, and disablity.


So, I was seriously considering if I wanted to post this to the blog and linked in but I feel like I need to as I saw a headline and I couldn’t access the article but it was the headline read, Disability forgotten diversity.

But are we “really forgotten” in a work context as I would love to be working and being social as work is more than the tasks, we do for someone with a disability it might be the only chance they have to be social and to be able to work with others.   However, I do see many people put into the two hard basket especially hidden disabilities and the ability, to work remotely or even from home as many workplaces aren’t simply accessible. 

Also more than that we are seen as a burden and a risk to have on board unless in a “supported work place” often a polite euphemism for a workplace that is legally allowed to pay less than minimum wage on the premise that we will lose our benefits, but often ( depending on the country) are encouraged to have a part time job, as we know that yes we are more than our work but there is documented mental and physical health benefits in being in a job that you enjoy.

Part-time work is valuable to people with disability – but full time is more likely to attract government support (theconversation.com)

However we do seem to see discrimination based not overtly around disabilities but some social taboos around workplace and working conventions, such as having a resume gap due to a disability or health issue that you needed to sort out, we are also seeing in Australia a booming care sector with support work as well and this is great but leading to a lot of social issues creating a have and a have nots in disability circles as well. 

This is something that we need to be very aware of as well, we also see that HR often will pass off accommodation as to hard or to expensive even when there are subsidises in all level of govement to be able to help work with people with disabilities to get into the workplace, we aren’t forgotten but we seem to still have people who want to talk for us, over us or pity us instead of simply giving us a place we need at the table.

I am also not actually a big advocate of “diversity and equality” hires but I am a big believer in seeing the whole person and working with the person to be able to seek past the disability to see there skills as many people with disabilities have a unique skill set related to their disability but having to problem solve and understand disability and society in a very different light does seem like a great idea to have in a workplace as well.

I also understand that there are risks to any new hire but on average people with a disability because it is so hard to find a job are more likely to stay with the same employer and go above and beyond as well.

So, let’s start the conversation around disability and work, and let us speak for ourselves and have us be able to advocate for ourselves as well.  As for far too long we have been told we get what we get and not to get upset. This is a frankly disappointing view to have and leads to lots of issues around mental health so let’s start an adult conversation around this topic and what we need to do to be included in a workplace.


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