What is good support in the NDIS.

Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay So this is going to be a great blog post to write and I see it as a great win so what is good and bad support this is an interesting topic to get into in a way as it can be quite subjective what is good and bad support as there is a difference between active and passive support and the classifications of support workers as well. So support workers are there to support you to achieve your goals and we see that this can be quite a difficult thing as you need to be aware of some things about a support worker first, the first thing is that they are paid people, so they are paid to support you, and this means that they don’t have to do things for you. They are not servants, maids, or your mother, and this is a difficult thing to be aware of as well. Even when an organization says they are person-centered we need to remember that they are running a business and that this is why they have scheduled support time...