
Showing posts with the label Support coordnatior

If it's not documented it didn't happen.

So this is to go along with a couple of pieces of content I have posted elsewhere,  about documentation and it’s really important to recognize that if you are working, with people with a disability, either in a housing situation or in a day/ community center it’s important to realize that if you haven’t documented it, it didn’t happen, and everything needs to be documented as it protects everyone so this isn’t just clients and supports staff but it’s family and other in your care team, and if you document things that don’t seem to be a big thing but they can be if you start to see a pattern of behavior and this can go towards a person funding and ratios of care. So, a person who is struggling in a sil (supported independent living,) at a one to three ratio might need extra support this then would provide the evidence for that person to have extra support and it might be a two-hour shift where the basics are done such as showers and toileting, feeding, and housework. We need to have a

The difference between a support coordinator and other admistration staff in the NDIS.

This is a really basic question that we see needs to be answered, and we see that it is something that we need to be aware of the people outside the NDIS don’t really understand the jargon that is within the NDIS and I am hoping that this year I can break it down a lot more but, a Support Coordinator is someone who helps you navigate the NDIS so it could be a person who attached to an agency or independent. I find that going independent works for me much better than someone being with an agency and this is due to the fact that I have had bad support coordinators they were doing dual roles, so I found that this isn’t a great idea but for others, it might work really well. So a support coordinator is someone who helps you navigate appointments, sets up service agreements and helps you to be able to work towards your goals and if you need a change of circumstances or are coming up to a plan review we see that this is where the really get to shine in that they specialize in building go