
Showing posts from March 20, 2022

Disablity and media - Shadowhunter's - Alec

  Alec presents as very closed off and suffering from what seems to be anxiety, and not comfortable in his own skin he presents as a very closed person and growing up in what is essential if you were to translate it to the real world a military organization it seems that there is an order of things and the reason he is so closed off and not comfortable in his own skin is he is not acknowledging a very core part of himself his sexuality.   This is raised in the episode, called Raising Hell, ( season 1)  the main character needs to give up memory as a payment for a demon, to get the memory back from Clary the main character, that has been hidden along with relics that belong to the "Shadow world," Alec is a part of an organization that essentially there purpose in life is to keep the Mundine's safe from the Shadow World.  So things that people think are the stuff of legends and fairy tales.  They are raised in what is called the institute, and these institute...

Harry Shum jr and why we need more people like him in the world.

  So I have talked about this actor before  and even read some of the Youtube comments about him and his wife, there isn't a single thing that I can find that is bad press about him. If it is commented on it is in a context of natural diversity in casting, helping young or under appreciated talent and the education and intelligence of some of the fandoms he is in due to the projects he is involved in, he also understands the importance of being honest about his roots, and that acting isn't an easy gig and how his parents where concerned about how he would live.  Yet this post is in the content of what mental health professionals call Parasocial bonds when someone forms an unhealth attachment to a character or an actor and is under the illusion  that they know the person when in reality they don't.  This is different to being a fandom or sending fan mail and respecting the actors personal lives as with social media and Comic cons people seem to blur the lines bet...