A new chapter
I am safe was the words I uttered just now at 7.30 pm at night I don’t need to climb into bed and hide anymore. I am safe I can be myself and not mask, I am getting the help I need I don’t know if it’s the open letter, or surrendering to my circumstances that I can’t change and asking for help in ways that I don’t expect. I still have all the usual bugbears but I finally feel safe in my home despite having a new support worker starting we see that this is normally a huge deal for me but we are seeing that people are more open to me and willing to help, I live in the lap of luxury but having people willing to help is amazing and working with me, not against me, is going to do my health wonders. So I am grateful for the good people who work in this industry and can help change lives I went from independent to the family home through the mess that was the COVID lockdowns, medication misadventures, and seizures but now I am in this wonderful Sil house (supported independen...