
Showing posts with the label Addiction

Reasons I didn't sleep last night, part one.

   I am starting a new series, and I think it’s going to be highly relatable, for a long time I have suffered from poor-quality sleep, and as you can see from the title it’s going to be a bit obvious to what I am saying.   I have several disabilities and medical conditions, but then there are the things that I can control, as I am in a Sil house ( supported independent living), and due to me essentially being in a granny flat the first thing I can’t control is who is on a sleepover and if they come down or not as I do have some bad habits that I need to get out of, one has my phone in my room but I didn’t realize I have sensitive hearing and I can hear support staff doing final checks both upstairs and next door. I am trying to not reveal any sensitive information but it factors into why I am not sleeping well and having discussed this series with the head support worker we feel that it's ok to talk about the behaviour's of staff so people can see its impact and we can wo...

Lets get real the elephant in the room in disability accommodations.

  I have started seeking professional help for my internet addiction and I am going to get help I have asked for help from my support team in the house that I live in and this means having a very controversial thing in a place called a restrictive practice and we see that it needs to be in place for me to be able to function and to be an active member of the house and to be aware that I am socially isolated but I at the same time am surrounded by people and we see that this is an issue that needs to be addressed that we are all connected but not at the same time. We are connected to devices and not each other so I am going to be very intentional about seeking time off the internet and having screen-free time and this means going back to the drawing board.   this means looking for work so I am going to look at what is practical in my area as well as I am hamstrung because I   don’t drive so remote work is what works for me but then I am a people person so I think a balan...

Isabelle lightwood and addiction part 4 - Shadowhunter's.

I have to be honest with my readers that in this post I have struggled with it as in a previous life I worked in a pharmacy that had a methadone program. Some of the stories I heard during that time are heartbreaking. (I also have a smartphone addiction that I am working on.)  However, this is going to focus on Izzy (Isabelle) Lightwood being stable and how someone in reality that has a chemical addiction can get help. As addiction can take many forms including but isn't limited to illegal drugs and alcohol. (let's talk about Magnus in another post 😉)  These clips focus on Izzy in season two where she is mostly in the recovery stage, from a Yen Fen addiction a substance that is akin to opioids in the additional sense that it was prescribed for her and she got addicted to it and started to seek it out leading to her having a co-dependent relationship with Raphaelle that was dependent on her for both of them getting high, Izzy off vampire venom and Raphaelle off shadow hunter b...

Shadowhunter's cast on Representation.

  Shadowhunters & Beyond Screening 2016 Q&A Panel - YouTube   This is a really interesting discussion around this show it is a great show and something that I see that is very rare is the cast are passionate about the representation of the character and something that resonated with me was that they listened to people who are telling their own story and that your story isn't the story of the larger group.  The actors seem to really understand this, and the level of research that they do is amazing, to not fall into the stereotypes of the tropes of what people think of not what people are, and not the reality, is this has been brought out, in the time of Covid, and shown the reality of what people can do to tell their own stories.  He was talking about the LGBT community yet I see many parallels between this and disability representation. That our stories aren't the typical narrative of life due to illness or disability and this seems to be a similar thing in ...

Disability and the internet

 So I realized I was going so deep into scrolling into my phone at night it was starting to affect my sleep hygiene and this hasn't been great at the best of times.  I didn't even realize that it had a name. It is called Revenge Bedtime Procrastination.  Revenge Bedtime Procrastination: Definition & Psychology | Sleep Foundation For me, it started when I had to move back to the family home and this came with a lot of issues that due to my health and disabilities we are still working through.  However talking with my care team made me realize that people with disabilities that don't work and are on benefits often have very little enjoyment and movies and the internet are the way that they interact with the world, this was even pre-pandemic.  So for me, I have charted my failure of getting back into a good routine, as I did want to do a complete digital detox but I live in an area where Covid is still very much a risk, and being a blogger doesn't help however ...