
Showing posts from December 24, 2023

Services and things to keep the budget on track this year.

    Hey, guys, this is a back-to-basics post and I recently discovered that some support workers don’t know what services are out there that can help people with disabilities or have misconceptions about what some of these places can provide, this is focused on my area Toowoomba but in the comments feel free to add what you have in your are as well and feel free to add to in for your area’s and even things that I am not aware of online. As we see despite the digital divide in the disability community some sometimes people will help them access things, such as education, training, or even websites that help communication and sell things.     Also, this won’t be everything around it’s just what I am aware of and how to work with clients that are motivated as I know that some people aren’t motivated to save or to achieve their goals, and need to be pushed as well. As there would be more work in meal prepping and or for clothing might need soaking before wearing.   ...

Hills that I am willing to die online.

    In writing the Blog post about the direction for the New year I mentioned I am not monetized so there for some early blog posts are going to either be deleted or moved to the other blogs   I wanted to put together this note to say I am not trying to gaslight my community but this is a necessary step towards monetization. I am also studying, and I am looking towards having a more traditional job as despite having care and living with others it can be isolating when you don’t have the same timetable as others and are more aware of what is going on around you. This is one of the challenges of having disabilities and chronic illness and being “higher functioning” and I know that I may lose some readers/ subscribers, but these are the hills that I am willing to die on.   Because if believe that if I don’t stand up and say something I feel that keeping silent is going to make it worse than losing a few readers. I have also seen how some of the communities treat peo...

Goals and direction for the new year

    So, we are on the run down for this year and I still have not monetized the Blog or YouTube, but I am working on it, and these are some of my goals/ things that I am not going to do in the new year. Fiscal ·        Not being unnecessary things so what I am not going to buy is. o      New clothing (except new under where so singlets, undies, and bras) o    Not going to by excess food, (so starting to meal prep and plan) o    Not going to by excess stationary o    Not going to by expensive cleaning products (I am going to go to the local discount store) o    I have an embarrassing number of toiletries and hygiene products, so I am going to use them up (I do not have combination skin and I am ok with finishing products as well)   I am going to try to stick to a budget and put my savings towards some day trips and possibly a holiday that I need but I know some of the medic...