
Showing posts with the label moblity aids

Clarkson, Hammond and May muttering dross in the news

 I have been a top gear fan for years, and haven't had the chance to see the grand tour yet, but have followed Clarkson, Hammon and May after they finished and I want to point out that yes they did have a very " blokey" attitude at the time and that top gear was as James May has recently said on both drive tribe and Donut media, that it was a product of its time, and that is true, and people say  they where ableist.  We need to remember they where the original's at rage bait as well, but we can see Hammonds reaction to the Mobility scooter story, and that the question of well is it a car or  a peace of medical equipment as well.  the other thing I want to point out that they have pointed out is that behind the seens the made magic happen for family's of children with a disablity and in the episode about off road mobility scooters they through doing what would be considered bad taste today, they did the TV thing of show don't tell, around the issues with off ro...