Complex needs and the start of the conversation.
So this is something that we need to discuss it is a term we often hear thrown around and it means very different things to different people, but in terms of the NDIS, it has a very specific meaning. This is the term complex needs as a person with a disability can have either just their disabilities or chronic illnesses or have just one or the other as well. Complex needs in terms of the NDIS: “ NDIS Participants are identified for the Complex Support Needs Pathway by the complexity of their situation and personal factors such as being homeless or returning to the community from living in residential aged care. Involuntary or voluntary involvement with particular government systems such as Justice or mental health would also be factors which would necessitate entry to the complex support needs pathway.” This is something, we need to be very aware of in that support workers are undertrained in being able to work, with people with complex needs and we see...