documents you need to have if you are a person with a disablity.
So this was a very interesting topic to research and create but the basics still remain the same, with the documents you need as a person with a disability, these are just the basics and they are a Last will and testament, this protects any assets you might have and makes sure that they go to the right people, you also need to remember that they are a living document and as life changes they need to change with you, as well. An Enduring power of attorney this document's name might vary from country to country, but we see that if you acquire a disability that makes it hard for you to make important decisions it is a document that gives the person the right to make decisions on your behalf. We must see a person that wouldn't abuse their power as well. An Advanced health directive, which basically helps you protect your health and gives your decision-makers the power to say when to make important medical decisions for you. It is important to remember t...