
Showing posts with the label accountability.disablity and acountablity

:Challenging Ableism and Accountability: Navigating Disability Advocacy with Snark and Solutions

Introduction: Welcome, dear readers, to the colorful world of disability advocacy, where TikTok comments are as diverse as the challenges we face. Recently, a comment lobbed my way stirred the pot, criticizing my language and questioning the efficacy of support systems like the NDIS. Let's dive in, shall we? Addressing Ableist Language and Attitudes: Ah, the joys of being called an ableist! Apparently, terms like "lower functioning" and "higher functioning" are as passé as yesterday's news. Fair critique, but let's not lose sight of the forest for the trees. Instead, let's focus on a more pressing matter: the shocking prevalence of assault within day centers and the alarming trend of excusing known bad behavior under the guise of disability. Support Systems and Challenges: Enter the NDIS, our knight in shining armor – or so we're told. But wait, what's this? People falling through the cracks? Quelle surprise! Amidst the chaos, however, lies a...