
Showing posts with the label Care

Advice to new support workers from old support workers

Real Advice from Experienced Support Workers The following advice comes directly from experienced support workers. These are real insights, shared to help new workers navigate the challenges of the job. Support work is incredibly rewarding, but it also comes with its own unique pressures. Learning from those who have been in the field can make all the difference. Document everything —it protects you. Don’t assume a client knows how to do something—always check and support them as needed. If you go off script (e.g., making decisions that aren’t yours to make), the responsibility falls on you, not management. Label everything if you want it to come home. Avoid wearing your best clothes to work—they will get stained. There will be a lot of paperwork, so staying organized is key. Keeping on top of everything is challenging, but it’s an important part of the role. Listen to experienced staff , but don’t be afraid to bring fresh ideas to the table. You don’t “own” shifts or cli...

Dressing Professionally as a Support Worker Without a Uniform

Hey everyone! I’m excited to share that my content platforms are growing, which is fantastic. As the NDIS evolves and support work becomes more common, I’ve noticed some agencies opt not to use uniforms for privacy reasons. So, how do you present yourself professionally without a set uniform? Dress Appropriately for the Shift First and foremost, dress for the type of shift you're scheduled for. What you wear for a group day trip might be very different from a personal care shift. Keep in mind that personal care can happen at any time, so it’s essential to always be prepared. Having a change of clothes or a "go bag" in your car—or keeping one at a Supported Independent Living (SIL) facility or group home—can be a lifesaver. It’s also a good idea to have some snacks stashed away for long or unexpected shifts. Consider the Weather and Organization Culture When dressing for your shift, remember to dress for the weather. Whether it’s hot, cold, or raining, you'll want to b...

Why I think NDIS registation is a good thing, Lets explore it.

  So I am going to start off by saying I know that this is going to be a unpopular or counter narrative opinion talking about what others don’t want to talk about or do what to acknowledge, that registration if managed well is a good thing for providers. We don’t see Nursing staff and mental health staff that have independent business complaining that registration is going to cost them, yes in the short term it could drive up cost’s but so is inflation.   It also protects both parties against abuse and we have just had a   Royal commission into abuse neglect and exploitation so those who are on the providers that are saying being un registered is going back to the dark day’s of no chose and control well I see your point but having providers registered and having a bucket to choose from is a good thing as it means your understanding the Ndis and the documentation that goes into it, as I understand that this is why the price might go up and why medical practitioners might...

Services and things to keep the budget on track this year.

    Hey, guys, this is a back-to-basics post and I recently discovered that some support workers don’t know what services are out there that can help people with disabilities or have misconceptions about what some of these places can provide, this is focused on my area Toowoomba but in the comments feel free to add what you have in your are as well and feel free to add to in for your area’s and even things that I am not aware of online. As we see despite the digital divide in the disability community some sometimes people will help them access things, such as education, training, or even websites that help communication and sell things.     Also, this won’t be everything around it’s just what I am aware of and how to work with clients that are motivated as I know that some people aren’t motivated to save or to achieve their goals, and need to be pushed as well. As there would be more work in meal prepping and or for clothing might need soaking before wearing.   ...

Things that we are most likely forgetting to clean.

    So last night I watched the Netflix documentary Poisoned and I think I need to start out by saying something really important. I am located in Australia and we don’t have the food production monopolies and lobbyists that the USA does but it got me thinking on another random tangent, that is cleaning, don’t get me wrong we need to be on top of where our food comes from and I am going to start making major changes in my life around my diet and start making some documentation around it as I know diet is a major player in having auto immune diseases go into essential remission, before having to go onto very heavy medications that are used in cancer. But I as I do went down an adjacent rabbit hole and still haven’t reached the proverbial warren, that is food safety at home and adjacent to that cleaning as you can have a tidy home that is not clean and I know, as I have been that person and I admit we all get busy and we all need to work and families can’t have one person at h...

Please stop faking for views, why this hurts the disabled community.     This is the clip that I have been talking about, on my youtube channel,   It seems to me that people feel it’s ok to do this and it is not something that we need to talk about because it seems to be becoming more normal and it’s not ok. It is undermining what the disability community both in real life and on the internet has fought for and this is really undermining it as we see that people need to be very aware of it because it is not ok. When we start to speak up about things like this, we see that people get offended and feel it’s ok to question people who use accommodations, such as disability parking spaces and displaying the right cards, and people feel like they can question it. I see that this may be a bit of a USA-focused problem but it’s not I am seeing that other international creators are faking disabilities for views, and there is something, that people need to be able to be belie...