
Showing posts with the label Disabilityand the wider perspective.

story time and trying to cure my disablity

Disclaimer – That these are my own lived experiences and understanding from the research that  I do around the NDIS and health-related topics please be aware that it is informational only and not to be used as a substitute for professional advice or working with a Planner, Disability Advocacy service or talking to your Medical and Allied Health team.   This post and video came from a variety of events happening to me at the same time and one was the realization that I had very little in the way of boundaries around my friendships and I had been taken advantage of due to a person who seems to want to save people from themselves and she gets very frustrated when one of two things happen, She realizes that they can't be cured due to them having a chronic illness and the very definition of chronic illness is long-lasting and persistent.  Or they wake up to what she is doing to them and she has a very nervous energy about her and this nervous energy seems to be something ...