Jace and his Mind set impacts on Others part two.
This is a follow-up post on Jace and his mindset as it goes from very stable to very unstable due to clary bringing Jace back from the dead as he was at peace, we see that even Alec knows that Jace was dead and seeks to bring the truth out of Clary but she carries that with her to the point of lying about it and then covering up that lie. As we forget that Clary hasn’t been brought up in the shadow world and that she doesn’t realize that Alec can feel Jace and that he knew it and this is the start of Jace’s mindset shift from cocky to vulnerable. Something that can happen in reality if you have a chronic illness or develop a disability. That prevents you from having a “normal,” life. SHADOWHUNTERS 2x20 JACE DIES - ALEC'S REACTION (WITHOUT CLACE PARTS) - YouTube In this clip, we see that Clary finally tells Alec that she used the wish to bring him back this made him vulnerable to demonic possession from Lilith and it makes him so focused that we see that he isn’t...