
Showing posts with the label Support worker

Friendship in Disability

  Over the weekend, a friend of mine posted a rant online, and with their consent, I’m sharing my thoughts about it here. They talked about a friend who had “gone dark” to test if people would notice their absence. If no one reached out, the friend would "dump" those who hadn’t checked in. This behaviour raises many questions about friendship. Yes, sometimes it’s frustrating to feel like you’re the one always initiating contact, but life gets busy. My friend, for example, juggles work, raises children, runs a household with pets, and volunteers in the community. It’s not always easy for people to make time, even if they care deeply. A simple phone call or message—like saying, “Hey, we haven’t seen each other in ages!”—can go a long way. Starting a group chat is another great way to stay connected. However, for people with disabilities, especially those with ASD, ADHD, or depression, initiating contact can be incredibly hard. That’s where compassion comes in. This friend of mi...

A new chapter

  I am safe was the words I uttered just now at 7.30 pm at night I don’t need to climb into bed and hide anymore. I am safe I   can be myself and not mask, I am getting the help I need I don’t know if it’s the open letter, or surrendering to my circumstances that I can’t change and asking for help in ways that I don’t expect. I still have all the usual bugbears but I finally feel safe in my home despite having a new support worker starting we see that this is normally a huge deal for me but we are seeing that people are more open to me and willing to help, I live in the lap of luxury but having people willing to help is amazing and working with me, not against me, is going to do my health wonders. So I am grateful for the good people who work in this industry and can help change lives I went from independent to the family home through the mess that was the COVID lockdowns, medication misadventures, and seizures but now I am in this wonderful Sil house (supported independen...

Grooming with a disablity

 Hey all, so I was at the local op shop for some Christmas presents and I realized something when they had an influencer section in the shop, and this I have known for a long time but haven’t really acknowledged, basically that it is that grooming and presenting yourself well doesn’t have to be expensive, so I wanted to go through a few things that you can do to look presentable and I have also considered mobility aid hear as well, the first one seems really basic but a lot of people don’t know how to care for there clothing, so this is the first thing know how to clean your clothing and how to iron as I do find that having an ironed t shirt and jeans I feel so much more presentable.  Also learning how to get stains out is really important and how to keep whites white is important I know how to Dad does have some basic tips as well as asking your grandmother and I know that some universities have teamed up with Red Frogs and CWA to teach these skills, but you can also find som...

What I am hoping to manfest in a new support worker.

  As I write this I am curled up in bed as it is cold and it’s a Saturday afternoon, I in my previous post did talk about manifestation and me not being a nice person and I am realizing that it’s not that I am not nice its just that I can clash with a few people who think that essentially, they can coast, and they are lazy.   I feel that I am fair and balanced in my view of paid support workers but I have had a bad feeling about this support worker from the start so this is what I am going to do to change it, as manifestation doesn’t work when your not willing to put in the work so the first thing is figuring out, if I even want to stay where I am or is it worth the mental and fiscal risk of moving or am I moving from the frying pan into the fire.   As she might be shifted into a more suitable house. I am also studying as well so I am giving myself some skills to be able to earn an income as well, it is online but it’s a marketable skill. But if I was to ask the unive...