
Showing posts with the label Strengths based approach Disabity skills

Disability and the skills based approach the hidden gems

Hey, guys so this video was something that came out of a heated discussion with family and close friends as I might have offended them with my What is a disability video that I cross-posted to Facebook and this is one of the major downsides to having ADHD, the impulsivity doesn’t really go away it just gets easier to manage. But we are talking about how vulnerable people with disabilities are we forget to talk about their strengths and what they have overcome. I know that some people don’t like us talking about it but the people who actively put content on the internet and are running blogs, Tic tocs, podcasts, and YouTube accounts well they have lots of skills, and being disabled is just one part of them. So they might have skills that people without disabilities might not understand that they do have that could be of benefit to a boss, to a company, or to a volunteer organization. But what do we define as skills, we need to be able to define them before we go into the deep dive o...