Disability and the skills based approach the hidden gems
Hey, guys so this video was something that came out of a
heated discussion with family and close friends as I might have offended them
with my What is a disability video that I cross-posted to Facebook and this is one of the major downsides to
having ADHD, the impulsivity doesn’t really go away it just gets easier to
But we are talking about how vulnerable people with disabilities
are we forget to talk about their strengths and what they have overcome. I
know that some people don’t like us talking about it but the people who
actively put content on the internet and are running blogs, Tic tocs, podcasts, and YouTube accounts well they have lots of skills, and being disabled is just
one part of them.
So they might have skills
that people without disabilities might not understand that they do have that
could be of benefit to a boss, to a company, or to a volunteer organization. But
what do we define as skills, we need to be able to define them before we go
into the deep dive of what they are, I
will put some links down below to be able to tease out what they are, but
generally we do have soft skills so generally these are learned through living
with others that generally aren’t your family, So it could be interpersonal skills
so working out what you are watching on TV, resolving issues in a house such as
who drank the last of the milk you know the ones that we are talking about, as
these are the ones that I struggle with as well, due to having a Brain Injury
and ADHD as well, and currently I am fighting a relapse in my internet and Tech
addiction, but it is difficult when I live with chronic pain due to peripheral neuropathy,
( basically I can feel my nerves sending signals to my
hands and feet. I do manage it by dieting exercising and pacing myself but
this is something that I didn’t realize was a skill until someone mentioned it
due to it being something I just did. But this is another skill that people
with disabilities do have in spades being able to navigate and be super flexible
around others' needs.
This can become if it’s not managed, hypervigilant as people
with what we politely call psychosocial disabilities often are taught to mask
and women and girls are often missed and miss getting treatment as they are
just seen as the daydreamers and the person who is flaky in life so mostly it’s
when they seek out a diagnosis for their children it becomes apparent they have
the same of a similar condition and some people who have ASD describe it as
being on the wrong planet. This makes sense as there is so much we do as humans
that is counterintuitive in the name of being “polite” or social conventions.
But having skills is something that we all develop and can with
practice often become good at so we need to be aware that the skills-based approach
is something we need to get used to as well. In the video I do talk about doing
an honest skills assessment when you are going for your plan of other care-based
assessments as well, but being honest with yourself or the person you are doing
it with needs to be done with sensitivity and care as well but being honest
about you skills so you can “ level them up” is good as well.
But this is something that I am going to talk more about as
I go back to the basics of disability care as we are seeing a lot of discussion
around who can speak for us and who can talk about the issues and we live in a
world that is seeing such rapid change it’s hard to keep up with all the issues
when actors and celebrities are finding it hard to keep up you know that the average
person is going to find it harder as well.
But I have put some links down below to help with finding the right care
program and what skills are defined as for a person in general don’t discount the
internet as a source of information it’s just knowing what is a good and a bad source
of information.
So I am hoping to get back to doing shorts soon when my
family has calmed down a bit more.
Forums |
Asperger's & Autism Community - Wrong Planet
ADDitude - ADD &
ADHD Symptom Tests, Signs, Treatment, Support (additudemag.com)
of disability evidence | NDIS
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