
Showing posts with the label accountability.

What am I missing why I don't do on the ground activism

I’ve had a lot of questions lately about why I don’t dive into “on-the-ground activism” in the disability community. While I respect the passion behind it, my approach centers on accountability, respect for support staff, and a focus on the bigger picture. Here’s why I’ve chosen a different path. Accountability vs. Excuses In my experience, accountability is often misinterpreted as negativity. My approach emphasizes responsibility, transparency, and a willingness to learn from mistakes. Yet, I’ve noticed that when I bring up the need for accountability in disability support structures, it often rubs some people the wrong way. Instead of acknowledging areas where we could improve, disagreements are often dismissed as ableist. But accountability isn’t criticism for the sake of it—it’s a crucial part of ensuring that services work as they should. Respecting Support Staff A big part of advocacy should be about building respect and understanding for support staff, who work hard within the l...

Hills that I am willing to die online.

    In writing the Blog post about the direction for the New year I mentioned I am not monetized so there for some early blog posts are going to either be deleted or moved to the other blogs   I wanted to put together this note to say I am not trying to gaslight my community but this is a necessary step towards monetization. I am also studying, and I am looking towards having a more traditional job as despite having care and living with others it can be isolating when you don’t have the same timetable as others and are more aware of what is going on around you. This is one of the challenges of having disabilities and chronic illness and being “higher functioning” and I know that I may lose some readers/ subscribers, but these are the hills that I am willing to die on.   Because if believe that if I don’t stand up and say something I feel that keeping silent is going to make it worse than losing a few readers. I have also seen how some of the communities treat peo...

Self development and awareness.   This is an amazing podcast, and I haven’t talked about it for a while as I haven’t been listening to it as I have a let’s say electric level of tastes in podcasts, but this episode did resonate with me for a lot of complex reasons. The first one is that it was something that I needed to hear, as recently I have been feeling as a person with a disability as a burden, but I realize that this is due to a complex situation in the supported independent living house (SIL house) I am in. There is a support worker that has a familiar relationship with the boss and she because of this relationship makes me ask for help (let’s be real taxpayers are paying for me to have quality care) can be sub-standard and when we have pointed this out due to her being related to managements family, we as a house weren’t believed as there was no “verifiable” evidence.     When we spoke up to other support ...

New direction for the blog

  So This is going to be a shorter post but one that we need to discuss and this is the direction that this blog and the YouTube channel is going to go into as I am seeing that there isn’t the needed growth happening with this project so I am going to widen the scope so please let me know what topics you want me to cover and what you want me to do as well.   I feel that newer readers need to know the history of the blog and why I feel I need to pivot the blog. This is something that we need to be aware of and that we need to be able to understand what   will grow YouTube and the blog, so some of the ideas I had that I felt were good   but had very low view such as disability and the internet and disability and accessibility, as well   disability as represented in the media and this is where this blog started where I saw a show based on the books by Cassandra Clare the Shadow hunters series and they had a TV show adaption, that has found a cult following and we...

Gas Lighting by providers how I stopped it

Gaslighting is a term used to describe when a person tries to manipulate the situation or your interpretation of a situation to make you believe that your recollection of events is not correct and that they can then use it to manipulate you into doing things.  This so we need to be aware that it’s not your recollection of events that has changed it is that a person or a provider is trying to manipulate you into believing that you are not capable of remembering events correctly and this can happen intentionally or unintentionally when it is intentional some things can be done about it and you need to be aware that providers have a duty of care to prevent things from happening to you so what you might see as gas lighting might ae duty of care issues. I am talking about when a person is systemically doing things to make you doubt yourself and your abilities. Gaslighting - Wikipedia  This from a provider could be changing a shift time and not telling you and making you bel...