Hills that I am willing to die online.


 In writing the Blog post about the direction for the New year I mentioned I am not monetized so there for some early blog posts are going to either be deleted or moved to the other blogs  I wanted to put together this note to say I am not trying to gaslight my community but this is a necessary step towards monetization.

I am also studying, and I am looking towards having a more traditional job as despite having care and living with others it can be isolating when you don’t have the same timetable as others and are more aware of what is going on around you. This is one of the challenges of having disabilities and chronic illness and being “higher functioning” and I know that I may lose some readers/ subscribers, but these are the hills that I am willing to die on.  Because if believe that if I don’t stand up and say something I feel that keeping silent is going to make it worse than losing a few readers.

I have also seen how some of the communities treat people while demanding respect while falling into the trap that I fell into last year that respect is mandatory and not earned. (I will respect your humanity but not go along with neopronouns that change all the time ) I have sex and that won’t change.

·       That biological sex is real, and that women’s rights are being eroded by the acceptance of those who have never had gender dysphoria and are in it for a competitive advantage as this medical research from a very dark and corrupt place.  I acknowledge that there are people who are born intersex, but I will accept you, but I won’t deny reality to make your life more comfortable.   I have had to face constant abuse and gaslighting about what was going on in my own body from support workers whom I have talked about in other posts but they needed much more empathy and training or to leave the sector.

·       I am disabled and have a chronic illness and this isn’t going to change but I need to be able to manage it better than I have been, and this helps everyone as well.

·       I will continue to use the words higher functioning as disability and disability experiences are on a spectrum and myself being able to work and study is me functioning on a higher level than my housemates I know that this will cause some backlash, but it needs to be said.

·       I respect parents' need to be involved in their children’s lives and if teachers are supporting transitioning without parental involvement I will give you the side eye as children have what is magical thinking and the RANZAP ( the College of mental health professionals in Australia )have come out and said that “gender-affirming care is dangerous in minors and that supporting it would be dangerous in minors and that this is a social contagion.  I do accept that people who do have gender dysphoria are real but being uncomfortable in your body is a part of puberty. We need to have people who will step up and admit this to our children and young people as well as the “birds and bees talk” that includes consent.  I do acknowledge that some people are better off transitioning but this needs to be done with discretion and care and that includes screening for trauma and other medical or brain conditions such as Autism.

I know that this may lose my readers, but I need to be true to myself and not being true to myself in pursuit of goals has cost me more deadly than I could imagine, so I need to keep to my values, including living in reality.

·       I have a disability and chronic illness.

·       That having support isn’t a bad thing as it takes the pressure off family and friends.

·       That I need to have a budget

·       That unmasking is a good thing but will come as a shock to others.


So I will be a lot more transparent in that these are my values and I will respect everyone and expect them to respect different values and not force them on people but agree to disagree.


My most popular posts.

Why I can't learn to love my disablity

Isabelle Lightwood and Trauma part three - Shadowhunter's

What a support worker can do for you and what the can't part one my story with support